Oh-oh, I think I lost my convention clip art!


A DIS Original!
Aug 17, 1999
When I made my first post over on the CB, my convention clip art wasn't there! Do I have to redo my signature for that? Thanks! The new format looks great! w
I think I lost mine too...I'm gonna go find it.
I think I found it! I had to redo my whole sig. I'll have to work on it later.
Kim, you've found yours! Did you just do it the same way as before? I'm going to give it a try and see what happens.
I just went back to the old board to find it and it works the same way here.
You found it Barb!
It even inserts it into your original message that says you can't find it...make us look silly...:D
Change slows me down! :( j/k :D

Good Morning Ladies. Let's see if my clipart is here. If it's not, I'll work on it later. :)

Have a pleasant day. :)



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