Oh kind and benevolent Tag Fairies!


Kaki Gori veteran
Sep 16, 1999
If you have the time and are not too busy and can actually think of something for little ol' me could you please update my out-of-date tag? I still love my kaki gori one but I'm no longer having smoothie issues and as much as I am thrilled that catsrule was my DisCon sponsor, alas, DisCon is over.
Thank you in advance! I believe!
Get on your knees Sonya. What do you have to offer the tag fairies? I have 3 bags of peanut m&ms to offer to them. If we ship it from the ya-ya ship it won't come with any calories.;) :p
Thank You Tag Fairies!

How much proof do you need JTB?
Ok I'll support you in you life of denial.
Oh thank you wondrous and great Tag Fairies! I love it! It was very nice of you.

BTW- I'm naming my child Thor, boy or girl. Ya gotta problem with that?;)


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