November weather


DIS Veteran
Jan 25, 2001
I will be in WDW November 4-12. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the weather is like and what kind of clothing we should pack. I hope we picked the right time of year to go. Michelle
November is one of my favorite months in Florida. The temps should be low 70s in the day and low 60-upper 50s at night. I would wear long sleeved tshirts and shorts with a windbreaker if you don't want to change during the day when it warms up. This will feel a bit warmer than the fall weather you will be accustomed to in November.
We were at Disney last year from the 5th-11th of November and the weather was gorgeous! Some of the afternoons got pretty warm--in the 80's. We wore shorts everyday, some evenings we needed light jackets & long pants. It only rained lightly for a few hours one morning.
Have a great trip!
We were there in 1999 - Nov 7-17th. The weather could not have been better. Very pleasant during the day (mid 70's), cool in the evening. It was sunny the entire time we were there. I was worried about getting too cold on the water rides. We did take the $ store poncho's to keep some of the excess water off, we went on all the water rides and we were fine.



Depends where you are from. November is usually nice, warm afternoons and sometimes chilly mornings and evenings. Being from South Florida we certainly would use the pool in the afternoon but the mornings and evenings are just a bit chilly for us warm bloods.

I also agree November is a nice month in Florida. Orlando tends to get chilly during the winter months but early November is usually just right.


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Hi we were there this past Nov the week of the election It was a very crowded so don't be shocked if that happens, I did feel the crowds were very manageable and we rode everything. I was just shocked because everyone said it was a slow time. But NJ had the week off and I think Conn. Anyway the weather was wonderful. We used the pool in the afternoons and even early evening, chilly when you got out but the water felt great. We were in shorts everyday and T shirts. I would recommend bring your jacket or sweat shirt for the evenings. You just never know. we hope to come back again at this time.
We have gone twice in November and it is an excellent time to go. The weather is nice, the hurricane season is over, less rain, and the parks are less crowded. The bonus at the beginning of November is the Food and Wine Festival at Epcot.

I say go for it!

Be prepared for anything.

In 1999, we were there from 10/31 thru 11/6 and the weather could not have been more perfect! It drizzled ONCE for an hour or two and was chilly a couple of mornings, but all afternoons were gorgeous and perfect for swimming or water parks.

In 2000, we were there a bit later in the month (I think around the 15th -- isn't it terrible that I forgot already?) and the weather wasn't as great. It drizzled on us a few times and was quite a bit chillier. In the 5 days we were there, it was never good for swimming. A couple of the days were quite nice, but it was darn cold all the nights and early mornings. Still, it wasn't nearly as bad as our trip this February, where it rained on us EVERY SINGLE DAY and never got above 50 degrees.

Bring lots of layers. (Or use it as an excuse to buy Disney sweatshirts.) Have a great time!
My family and I think you picked the best time of the year to go. The weather is great Sometimes sweatshirts for early mornings and maybe jeans at night.

Hey Mish,I grew up in the Bronx, not that far from Mt. Vernon. Glad to see more ny'ers on the boards lately. :D Now to answer your question....We went in Nov.2000 and it only rained 1 day and the rest of the week was in the 70's and sunny and cool enough at night for a sweat shirt. There were very little crowds and we didn't have to wait longer than 10min. on most attractions. We were there the week before thanksgiving and it was a great time to go. Pack alittle of everything, the weather could go either way! Have a great trip :cool:


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