No entertainment rate at HRH late April?


Earning My Ears
Aug 18, 1999
Just wondering since so many seem to have gotten a great deal with the entertainment book discount. I was told this discount wasn't available for 4/22-24. Do they have blackout dates? Anyone get the entertainment rate for about that time? I was offered an introductory rate of $169 for garden and $189 for pool.

Thanks for any info!

<font color=blue><h5>LadyTrampScamp&Our"Angel"

<font color=red>
"Great minds think for themselves!"
<font color=black>
DL-too many times to count! DL Paris 7/94, WDW-Offsite 10/90, CBR 4/92, PO 8/98, Poly & Homewood Suites 12/99, ASMo 1/01, AKL 4/01!
The entertainment rate is only available if the hotel has not reached 80% occupancy. The number of rooms available at the entertainment rate are probably just booked already.
There are probably no discounts during that time since it is a busy period.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Should've known! Guess that probably limits my chance of an upgrade also! I think I'll just be very happy with my pool room for $189 . . .

Thanks so much!

<font color=blue><h5>LadyTrampScamp&Our"Angel"

<font color=red>
"Great minds think for themselves!"
<font color=black>
DL-too many times to count! DL Paris 7/94, WDW-Offsite 10/90, CBR 4/92, PO 8/98, Poly & Homewood Suites 12/99, ASMo 1/01, AKL 4/01!
We got entertainment rate April 26-30. Isn't the cheerleading competition on April 22-24? Maybe that's why they're full.

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