No Bonus for Eisner


<font color=red><font color=navy>Rumor has it ...<
Jan 18, 2000
Some of you (DVC Landbaron, surely) will be pleased to know that I overheard on our local news the other night that Mr. Eisner (and other executives) will not be receiving a bonus this year, since the company lost money. Some of that loss was the write off of, but mostly the money just wasn't coming in...

There was a thread started on this issue earlier. disneefamily is proposing that we take up a collection for poor Mike.
Some of you (DVC Landbaron, surely) will be pleased to know...
Sarangel!! I don't know how I let this one slip through the cracks. You're absolutlely right I'm pleased!!! Thanks!!
I have to double check, but this past weekend I read in an article forwarded to me (from the Arlen Miller email list, I believe) that Mikey did in fact get a $1 MILLION bonus, along with several other Disney Execs (theirs were smaller of course). Their bonuses were considerably lower than the previous year, but were still substantial nonetheless. The article also stated that many hourly cast members at the Disney Resorts in the USA were unhappy with hearing about this, since they were the ones who suffered the 20% decrease in hours, or worse were laid off, along with many salaried CMs. Sorry, I did in fact delete the article, but maybe someone else here on the DIS still has it and can post it for all to read. I believe the email was entitled: Shame on you Mickey Mouse


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