NJ BOy scout/girl scout: Jamboree on the beach?


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Apr 27, 2000
Does anyone know anything about this? Rumor has it, it takes place in May and Oct. You camp in tents on the beach.
I would love to find out more info for my troop! Tried to google it but no luck
I have a friend at work who was at Beach Jam in Wildwood NJ this past weekend with his Boy Scout troop. He & his wife slept in a hotel while the boys and scout leaders were in tents. The first night it was very rainy and windy with a small craft advisory so the tents were not allowed on the beach - they camped on a nearby athletic field. The second night they were camped out on the beach. He said they had a great time.

I googled & found this:
Thanks so much! That was the exact information I was looking for! Funny I was at their web site found some general information but not the forms!
It looks like a blast!
DD's Girl Scout troop went to Beach Jam twice, I went along on the first adventure. It was a fun weekend in May. GS does not think highly of BJ due to no lifeguards being on the beach during the event.

the registration form is available through a link near the bottom of the page - http://moreyspiers.com/youth.htm#jam
iNTeNSeBLue98 said:
DD's Girl Scout troop went to Beach Jam twice, I went along on the first adventure. It was a fun weekend in May. GS does not think highly of BJ due to no lifeguards being on the beach during the event.

the registration form is available through a link near the bottom of the page - http://moreyspiers.com/youth.htm#jam

If thats now known- why doesnt the troop bring its own guards? I get calls all the time looking for guards to go on overnight school trips etc.. (not sleeping there, but guarding for a few hours each day) etc... For a quick 15-20 bucks an hour- I'm sure they could find some

There aren't any lifeguards because it's before/after swimming season (Memorial day to Labor day). Swimming isn't permitted during Beach Jam, and there's plenty else to do- and it's too cold for the water!

Dh and my two youngest went this past weekend and had a blast despite the horrible weather Friday (the wind actually snapped the tent poles and they ended up getting a hotel for both nights.) Had about 30 people from our Cub Scout pack go- I only stayed home because my oldest wasn't going (and at 15 I wasn't going to leave him home alone for two nights!)
buddy&wooz said:
There aren't any lifeguards because it's before/after swimming season (Memorial day to Labor day). Swimming isn't permitted during Beach Jam, and there's plenty else to do- and it's too cold for the water!

I figured as much LOL I'm from New England and know about the 3 weeks a year when the ocean's warm enough to swim in.

I'm confused as to why GS wouldnt like it but BS lets it happen.....or maybe, its just this one girl scout troup that doesnt like the lack of guards.

mudnuri said:
I figured as much LOL I'm from New England and know about the 3 weeks a year when the ocean's warm enough to swim in.

I'm confused as to why GS wouldnt like it but BS lets it happen.....or maybe, its just this one girl scout troup that doesnt like the lack of guards.


It might be our council. I think they frown over concerns for safety. :confused3 But yes, it is too cold for swimming. The year I went we woke up to high winds, practically blowing our tents down. The second year DD went they had a soaking rain and I think they got a room for the second night.
iNTeNSeBLue98 said:
It might be our council. I think they frown over concerns for safety. :confused3 But yes, it is too cold for swimming. The year I went we woke up to high winds, practically blowing our tents down. The second year DD went they had a soaking rain and I think they got a room for the second night.

LOL I think if they want to sleep on a beach- it should be done in late July or August!...whats with this May stuff! Given this May- well they'd be soaked from all the rain!

Thanks everyone! I have all the info, sent an email out and hopefully next Oct we will be camping on the beach! Sounds very KEWL! :cool1: :cool1:
Wow, This looks like fun. I have never heard of this and I'm sure the BS would enjoy this. I'm going to pass it on to my DH who just became in charge of trips for my sons BS troop. Thanks :cool1:
Is this for any age GS? My DD will just be "flying up" from a Brownie in a couple of weeks. I was thinking ahead to October. Would they be able to go?


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