New to this board (but not to DIS), planning 1st camping trip to FW, help!


Aug 6, 2000
Hi everyone! I usually frequent theme parks & resorts board. But I found a tent on clearance @ Target ($250 marked down to $24.90) and could not just leave it on the shelf. So I figured FW would be a good first camping trip!!! We are going for Memorial Day weekend in May.

Ok, we reserved a partial site. Got the rate of $47. Do they ever offer AP rates or Florida resident rates like they do for the other resorts?

Ok, big question, what do we need? I have the tent, an air mattress to sleep on, a new cooler on wheels, chairs. I'd imagine we will need flashlights & a lantern. any recommendations?

I know I'll be bugging everyone on this board for the next 2 months. Thanks in advance everyone.

Oh, and can you fax or call in request for certain "loops" like you do for the other resorts?

thanks again!


<font color =FF0066>WDW too many times to count!
</font><font color =6600CC>AsMu 6/99 & 9/00 AsSp 10/00 AsMov 9/01</font>
<font color = OOCC00>Dolphin 12/00 </font><font color = 6600CC> CBR 9/00 & 3/01 </font><font color = 00CC00> PO (FQ)3/01</font>
<font color =6600CC> PO (RV) 4/01 </font><font color = 00CC00> FW 5/01</font>

[This message was edited by Wendy_Darling_2001 on 03-26-01 at 02:33 PM.]
Hi! Welcome to the Camping Board! I'm so excited for you - I remember my first FW camping trip!

Yes, a lantern is good to set on your picnic table in the evenings. It gets pretty dark without it. And, you will need flashlights to find your way to the comfort stations at night or early in the morning.

I would HIGHLY recommend getting a screen tent too! You can get them at Target or Walmart for around $60. You will be very glad that you have it. It keeps the rain and insects out. We put ours up over the picnic table area.

We used to buy all those cute camping dishes - but I sick (really fast!) of washing dishes on vacation, so now we just use paper plates and plastic silverware and paper cups.

An air mattress is essential! You would be very sorry if you didn't use one! That ground gets really hard! LOL!

We don't usually use sleeping bags. It's easier (and more comfortable) to just use sheets and blankets like at home. They also pack better - don't take up as much room. Don't forget your pillows! :D

You probably already know this - but you're not allowed to have a fire on the ground at FW. But, there is a charcoal grill at each site - so don't forget your charcoal and lighter fluid!

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
Oh - and I forgot to say that yes, they do offer AP discounts - just keep calling to find out when they're available. They also offer Disney Club discounts and AAA discounts too!

We really like the 1500 loop. It's close to the Meadows area and within walking distance (10 minutes) from the Settlement area and marina.

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
I have noticed your name on some of the other boards...I tend to visit a number of them on a fairly regular basis!
You will love camping at FW! The place is so clean and kept in perfect condition.
When we were there in Feb 2000, we got a MKC discount on a preferred site ($40 per night) and when my sister stayed in a FW home in Oct, she got a AP discount so they do also offer discounts just like the other resorts do.
As far as camping, we used to tent camp before we got the camper. We did alot of camping in state parks. One thing that I absolutely would not do without is a portable toilet! We have 3 kids (the youngest was only 3 when we used to tent camp!) and I was not about to go wandering in the woods in the middle of the night :eek: ! It was so convenient and they are not difficult to take care of. The comfort station in FW are beautiful though! When you get your laterns, be careful of the propane ones!
My youngest daughter accidently bumped into one that we had (all gone now!) and got one heck of a burn.
The portable 2 burner propane stoves do work good. We had a Coleman model and my DH always cooked on it. Easy to take care of too.
The air mattresses are a great idea! When we first camped, we didn't have them...ouch! The inflator pumps that work off your cars cigarette lighter are a big plus!!! Those hand pumps are a pain in the @#!$!!
You can request a certain loop at FW but it is not guaranteed. First come first serve when it comes to requests.
If you have any other questions or just want to talk disney, feel free to email me!

Sending a little pixie dust your way to brighten up your day!
I hope this doesnt't get too long, I'm so excited for you, I remember our first camping trip, what fun. First thing you should do is get a couple of large rubbermaid boxes to carry gear. We find this invaluable. A camp stove is a necessity for cooking water, heating up canned food or cooking an entire meal, and some inexpensive cooking gear. This can be extras from home if you like. Pack your kitchen supplies according to what you plan to cook.Utensils and gear in one box and food in another works well for us.
If you are staying in a partal hookup site you don't need a propane lantern, just bring a couple of outdoor extention cords and a lamp, as long as it is under cover if it rains, don't want to mix water and electricity.Perhaps an outdoor almp liek you would use at christmas. This is where the screenhouse would be really nice. A battery lantern is great for inside the tent.
Be sure to bring some rope to hang wet clothes or towels, and any other use that might come up.
If you don.t have a screenhous a tarp tied between a couple of trees can work as well, and provide a quick shelter from the rain.
I hope this isn't too overwhelming, it sounds like a lot, but if you are organized ahead of time things will go smooth on your weekend and you will ahve a wonderful time.
I'm a little jealous, I wish we were going too. Have a wonderful thim.

I hope this doesnt't get too long, I'm so excited for you, I remember our first camping trip, what fun. First thing you should do is get a couple of large rubbermaid boxes to carry gear. We find this invaluable. A camp stove is a necessity for cooking water, heating up canned food or cooking an entire meal, and some inexpensive cooking gear. This can be extras from home if you like. Pack your kitchen supplies according to what you plan to cook.Utensils and gear in one box and food in another works well for us.
If you are staying in a partal hookup site you don't need a propane lantern, just bring a couple of outdoor extention cords and a lamp, as long as it is under cover if it rains, don't want to mix water and electricity.Perhaps an outdoor almp liek you would use at christmas. This is where the screenhouse would be really nice. A battery lantern is great for inside the tent.
Be sure to bring some rope to hang wet clothes or towels, and any other use that might come up.
If you don.t have a screenhous a tarp tied between a couple of trees can work as well, and provide a quick shelter from the rain.
I hope this isn't too overwhelming, it sounds like a lot, but if you are organized ahead of time things will go smooth on your weekend and you will ahve a wonderful time.
I'm a little jealous, I wish we were going too. Have a wonderful thim.

Thanks for the great replies so far!

Since there is electricity, could I bring an inexpensive lamp or maybe "party" lights/christmas light and string them up?

I don't know if I want to buy too much camping gear yet since I don't know how much camping we will be doing.

But I will buy the necessities.

Keep the advice coming....thanks everyone!


<font color =FF0066>WDW too many times to count!
</font><font color =6600CC>AsMu 6/99 & 9/00 AsSp 10/00 AsMov 9/01</font>
<font color = OOCC00>Dolphin 12/00 </font><font color = 6600CC> CBR 9/00 & 3/01 </font><font color = 00CC00> PO (FQ)3/01</font>
<font color =6600CC> PO (RV) 4/01 </font><font color = 00CC00> FW 5/01</font>

First thing I would do is set the tent up in your back yard and spray it with water to check for leaks. Some new tents leak like sieves! They have wax rollers to run along the seams and that helps with the leaks. Regular seam sealer doesn't work as good. Especially check the bottom seam along the ground level because the water pools there if it rains.

Bring a small hand broom with dust pan (there is always dirt in a tent) An old rag rug or door mat helps in the doorway. Bring a box (plastic rubbermaid works great) and leave outside the doorway to put all of the shoes in and make sure everyone takes them off before they get in the tent. We do this in our trailer and it helps so much.

Make sure you have extra tent stakes (if yours are plastic) in case they break. I think metal ones are better at FW as the ground is very hard.

Good luck and you will love FW!
Make sure you set it up before you go camping and
set it up in back yard on a sunny day and spray it down with water and let it dry in the sun.This will shrink up the seams so you won't get leaks.


{Dreams Do Come True at Walts Place}

This is sort of cheating... but we have stopped taking our camp stove and instead take our little microwave. A heavy outdoor electrical cord, a card table and the microwave, there is very little you can't cook. Popcorn and hot chocolate at the end of the day with no real effort, it can't be beat. If you feel a need to cook camping type food, bring some charcoal and use the grill that is already there.

Have fun!
I thought of 2 new questions!

Can you request a late check out? And for those of you who have received the late checkout, what time is it usually extended to? Should I wait & ask at check-in or put in a request in advance?

This is so exciting planning our first trip! This past weekend I set the tent up in the backyard and checked for leaks.

Second question, I understand there are only 2 loops (1500 & 2000) that are for partial hook ups. Which would you recommend? I do not want to be near any pet loops.

Thanks everyone for all the help!


<font color =FF0066>WDW too many times to count!
</font><font color =6600CC>AsMu 6/99 & 9/00 AsSp 10/00 AsMov 9/01</font>
<font color = OOCC00>Dolphin 12/00 </font><font color = 6600CC> CBR 9/00 & 3/01 </font><font color = 00CC00> PO (FQ)3/01</font>
<font color =6600CC> PO (RV) 4/01 </font><font color = 00CC00> FW 5/01</font>

I would advise the 1500 loop. As tated in an ealier post it is closer to the Meadows. Which means yu will be close to a trading post for necessities during our stay. Plus, the Campfire sing-a-long is in that area and my kids and now my grandkids love it.
No matter which loop you choose, my experiences there is that the bus service with in FW is great.
Your excitement about your 1st trip is contagious i think. it brought back wonderful memories of ours almost 20 years ago. FW is an awesome resort.

1975 - off site
1983 - FW
1985 - FW
1987 - FW
1989 - FW
1991 - FW
1994 - WL
1995 - WL
1997 - WL
1/1999 - FW
5/1999 - WL
12/27/99 Contemporary
12/30/99- MAGIC
3/00 - PO
10/01 - AKL
We also like to bring a clear white string of Christmas lights. I plug them in at night, and then it is easy to see where our tent is when we are stumbling back from a long park day in the dark.

I also agree with the camp potty idea. I have an antique chamber pot that is about 100 yrs old that I bring camping and it has saved many a stubbed toe for the kids in the middle of the night!

Get the LLBEAN camping catalog and at least take a look at what sort of items are listed. Although you don't need to purchase the items, it will give you packing ideas of things that you already have around your house that you may want to bring.

Personally, we are coming down by plane and won't have a rental car. I need to be able to physically carry whatever we bring (just myself and daughter). So, for this reason, we are very limited and most of the weight of packing will need to be food as I won't have a car for I am seeking ways to lighten the weight of our camping gear. Suggestions are welcomed!

Living a debt free lifestyle since 10/99
I'm a Cubmaster and I know they sell at my local Scout distributer something you might want. For about $20, you can get a set of straps and hooks that wrap around lightpoles or trees or whatever. They have hooks on them, so you can keep a trashbag, or lantern, or wet clothes, or anything out of the way and off the ground.

We use these mainly for packing trash and lanterns where you don't have a table, but lots of things like shoes or wet clothes can be hung up on the tree easily and out of the way.

"Drink up me hardies, Yo Ho!"

Kissimmee Hotels and/or Swinger Motor Home in the parking lot! 1973,1978,1983,1988

AllStar Music '95
DxL '99
AllStar Music '00
Carribean Beach '01


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