New to Me! DISNEYLAND Vacation Video!!

Wow! I didn't know they had a video either! I just ordered one, thank you for sharing! We are taking our first trip to Disneyland in June, this will be a great help!

Thanks for the heads up.

i just called and now I am curious if it is available in the US. On the Address part, it asked for city and provence not state.
thanks for posting the #! I called and the recorded voice said I should get a video in 3-4 weeks! This should be great! ( I live in Oklahoma and didn't have any problems)
That's so cool!! I'm ordering mine when I get home!! Thanks for posting this! :earsgirl:
I just called, and I agree with wdw2002. This is definitely targeted at our Canadian friends.

I still ordered, so we'll see what happens...
I ordered it today...I figure they might think Minnesota is a province, right? ;)

I actually suggested thru their website last year when CA first opened that they should do a video like WDW does if they want folks to think of it as a 'destination' resort...maybe they're just testing it on the Canadians first to see if it goes over???
im going to call right now...even if it doesnt work its worth a try!

if someone gets the video..make sure to post on here!
Not yet. But not holding my breath that I get it. Since I have a feeling that it is for Canadians, those of us in the US are out of luck.

However I will be thrilled if I do get it. Since I refused to spend the $20 or for the video they were selling there in December. It looked very simular to a WDW planning video.


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