new ride at islands of adventure OTTOMOBILE


Mar 21, 2001
hey anyone heard anything on this its supposed to be a simpsons ride with otto and his school bus anyone heard this. please reply
do you think earl knows anything about this if so get him to come on here. :D :D :D
I've heard of this rumor, but it is probably more interesting fiction than anything else.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Which company owns the copyrights to Simpsons anyway?


Also an Universal Studios and Disney fan!!!
We did talk to a worker at SeussLanding. When we asked what the railway above our heads was he stated they were constructiong a new attraction. He called it by name... something about "someone and his incredible amazing whatchamobile"???? I can't remember the exact name, but it is being constructed as we speak! :)
it is being constructed right now but i thought that ride was cancelled
is it different then sylvestor's driving machines
The name of the said attraction is Sylvester Monkey McBean's Most Unusual Driving Machines. I heard it was shortened to the Sneetches. It's future is in doubt, as it may never open.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
why did she say it is being constructed as we speak then i though they stopped that whole thing
Let's not get punchy!!!! I said what was told to us. I could not remember the exact name of the attraction. He even said we might see an occasional mobile on the finished part, but that the entire rail had not been completed. GEEZ!!!!
Chill out please. :rolleyes:
"The Simpsons" are a Fox property and "rumor has it" that in the preliminary discussions for island themes, "The Simpsons" were one that made the wish list. Although Universal has in the past received licensing rights from the "property owner" to build many theme park attractions from movies or television programs that were not Universal Movies or Television programs, "Springfield"(the town of "The Simpsons") never made it to the final IOA drawing boards.
"Ottomobile" was an old rumor of a ride that could have occupied this area, but right now will not ever.
hey tony m so they took into consideration a springfield island
do you have any drawing board pic. of what it would have looked like or model pictures???
do you know the other ride ideas they had.....


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