New parking fee at POP!

Charging an in room toilet fee is over the top and probably not going to happen. (Although I assume the person that posted that was joking.) I have, however, been to hotels that have bathroom attendants (who you are expected to tip) in the public bathrooms. That feels a bit like being charged to use the bathroom!

There are places in Europe that charge to use the restroom. And they give you toilet paper when you go in. That’s all you get.

I don’t think Disney will do this but it does exist.
How? It's right there on the page when you check out. I booked a trip just last week. There is NO questions about the parking fee. None whatsoever.

I did a mock booking yesterday on the agent site and on the Disney website. I got all the way through to making a deposit or putting on hold for 2 days and never saw any mention of the parking fee. I also clicked on the resort (GF in this case). Saw photos and their list of reasons why I should stay there, but no mention of the parking fee.
They haven't "always" had a parking fee. The year they instituted it, without warning, I threw a fit and got it waived . Funny thing, that was also my last stay there.

Should have said always since I've been staying there, thanks for the clarification.
Where do they inform you of the parking fee during booking? I'm not doubting that they do, I'm just curious. I started to make a booking just so I could see how they phrase it, and got all the way to the point of having to input my credit card info. I never saw it mentioned.
Even though I know we pay it with our dues, I am glad I am not going to have to tack on this fee with my one night at the BCVs and three nights at the AKVs in June. My last night I booked directly with Disney with cash, but will still not have to pay with my DVC membership.
So I certainly don't agree with it, but I think some people are missing the real reason Disney is doing this in my opinion.

It's not just to collect parking fees, though obviously that's part of it. It's to keep guests locked to WDW, and spending their money in the resorts and parks and not going off site, ever. With no car, you take the magical express from the airport, and every penny you spend (on food, souvenirs, experiences, etc.) until you get back at the airport to go home is going into Disney's coffers.

Yes, many are going to now choose to book offsite resorts, but I'm sure Disney is banking on the fact that those people would have left and spent money offsite anyway so they're going to spend about the same *in* Walt Disney World itself either way. Besides, the new parking fees more than make up for any potential losses there.

Well, Disney is losing that on-site resort booking, that has to hurt them right? Not really, because someone else will fill it in, and this new someone will now spend even more money on site because they didn't bring or rent a car to avoid the parking fee so it's a win-win for Disney financially.
So I certainly don't agree with it, but I think some people are missing the real reason Disney is doing this in my opinion.

It's not just to collect parking fees, though obviously that's part of it. It's to keep guests locked to WDW, and spending their money in the resorts and parks and not going off site, ever. With no car, you take the magical express from the airport, and every penny you spend (on food, souvenirs, experiences, etc.) until you get back at the airport to go home is going into Disney's coffers.

Yes, many are going to now choose to book offsite resorts, but I'm sure Disney is banking on the fact that those people would have left and spent money offsite anyway so they're going to spend about the same *in* Walt Disney World itself either way. Besides, the new parking fees more than make up for any potential losses there.

Well, Disney is losing that on-site resort booking, that has to hurt them right? Not really, because someone else will fill it in, and this new someone will now spend even more money on site because they didn't bring or rent a car to avoid the parking fee so it's a win-win for Disney financially.

Honestly, I see that so much and don't think it's the major factor. Sure it's a nice bonus, but they really just want to create a revenue stream where there was none before. I highly doubt it would deter anyone who lives within driving distance and doesn't fly to change that behavior. What it might change is how much the spend is from that family. Before they may have left the car all week and buy their food on site. Now, if they even book at a WDW hotel, they'll buy some things at the grocery store or hit up a drive thru on the way to their park of the day. Maybe even skip a few days admission that they normally would've paid to go to Universal or the beach instead. But sadly they'll get enough out of it to keep it going.
Maybe at the next economic downturn they'll throw complimentary parking in with their other deals.
And I am sure Disney would love to push more people to use the Minnie Vans for transport.
They don't. It's listed in the resort amenities section only.

I haven't looked at the resort amenities page in years. I hope others do.

What I hate is that I simply don't have a choice. I'm local so I have to drive. I guess I DO have choices, but that's basically either suck it up and pay the fee or just take day trips, or don't renew my AP next year and stop coming (which is currently what I'm choosing to do). There's no real reason to stay offsite; the only reason I stay overnight is because I enjoy staying at the DISNEY resorts. This is a lot of the fun of the Disney experience for me. But I honestly wish they'd just raised the resort prices. If they'd raised the deluxe resort prices even by $50 I'd have noticed, grumbled a little, and made a CHOICE as to whether it was worth it to me or not. Sometimes it might be, sometimes maybe I'd stay moderate or value or just make a day trip. But it would be MY decision. I was considering doing a dessert party next month. I think they're crazy expensive for what you get, but if I decide it's worth it to me then it's worth it to me. I'm not complaining about the price because I don't have to pay it unless I want to. Every Disney expense except for the annual passes (which I think are very reasonably priced) I have total freedom over. I can buy yet another pricey t-shirt or not, depending on my mood. I can pay almost $5 for a Mickey bar if I feel like it. I can pay over $300 for lunch with princesses if I want, or I can bring a peanut butter sandwich. Choices. I HAVE to bring my car, which means I HAVE to pay the rent on that $24 worth of Disney asphalt. That one tiny space out of the 40 SQUARE MILES of land Disney owns.

I am really, really angry and upset about this. I am almost as mad at myself as I am at Disney, because I know on an intellectual level that it is just money, just $24 a night, and yes, Disney is a business and the goal of a business is to make as much money as possible. But to me it feels personal, and I'm upset with myself that I can't seem to get over that. I was really hoping that I would get used to the idea of paid parking, calm down a little, and begrudgingly accept the new fee. But I can tell by now that that's not going to happen, and what it means for me is that my good times at Disney are nearing an end. And that makes me really sad.
Wonder how long it will be until a resort fee is added on? Hopefully DVC wouldn't get hit with that either, but you never know.
I haven't looked at the resort amenities page in years. I hope others do.

What I hate is that I simply don't have a choice. I'm local so I have to drive. I guess I DO have choices, but that's basically either suck it up and pay the fee or just take day trips, or don't renew my AP next year and stop coming (which is currently what I'm choosing to do). There's no real reason to stay offsite; the only reason I stay overnight is because I enjoy staying at the DISNEY resorts. This is a lot of the fun of the Disney experience for me. But I honestly wish they'd just raised the resort prices. If they'd raised the deluxe resort prices even by $50 I'd have noticed, grumbled a little, and made a CHOICE as to whether it was worth it to me or not. Sometimes it might be, sometimes maybe I'd stay moderate or value or just make a day trip. But it would be MY decision. I was considering doing a dessert party next month. I think they're crazy expensive for what you get, but if I decide it's worth it to me then it's worth it to me. I'm not complaining about the price because I don't have to pay it unless I want to. Every Disney expense except for the annual passes (which I think are very reasonably priced) I have total freedom over. I can buy yet another pricey t-shirt or not, depending on my mood. I can pay almost $5 for a Mickey bar if I feel like it. I can pay over $300 for lunch with princesses if I want, or I can bring a peanut butter sandwich. Choices. I HAVE to bring my car, which means I HAVE to pay the rent on that $24 worth of Disney asphalt. That one tiny space out of the 40 SQUARE MILES of land Disney owns.

I am really, really angry and upset about this. I am almost as mad at myself as I am at Disney, because I know on an intellectual level that it is just money, just $24 a night, and yes, Disney is a business and the goal of a business is to make as much money as possible. But to me it feels personal, and I'm upset with myself that I can't seem to get over that. I was really hoping that I would get used to the idea of paid parking, calm down a little, and begrudgingly accept the new fee. But I can tell by now that that's not going to happen, and what it means for me is that my good times at Disney are nearing an end. And that makes me really sad.

My thoughts exactly! I have had an annual pass every year for more than 30 years, and if you had told me in January that I would even consider not renewing, I would have said you were out of your mind. Fast forward to today, and I am giving it serious consideration. It feels like a betrayal, or like I am being forced to change my religion or belief system in order to survive. It goes right to my moral core. It’s not just the fee itself, but the feeling that they see us (those who have to drive if we go at all) as an easy mark. It feels like they see us as worthless and expendable in the big scheme of things. I do not know if I will get over it either.
My thoughts exactly! I have had an annual pass every year for more than 30 years, and if you had told me in January that I would even consider not renewing, I would have said you were out of your mind. Fast forward to today, and I am giving it serious consideration. It feels like a betrayal, or like I am being forced to change my religion or belief system in order to survive. It goes right to my moral core. It’s not just the fee itself, but the feeling that they see us (those who have to drive if we go at all) as an easy mark. It feels like they see us as worthless and expendable in the big scheme of things. I do not know if I will get over it either.
Exactly. If the parking fee is to keep guests hostage on site, it really punishes locals and passholders. Someone who lives a few hours away in another part of Florida is not going to fly in and take the magical express. Driving and parking at the resort is really their only option. They could have at least waived the parking fee for Florida and possibly Georgia residents. But nope! Money grab.
For everyone that are planning on staying off site - have you thought about the entrance fee to the parks? It is more than the resort parking fee. I fly and always rent a car because I want to have the convenience of getting on the tram and getting to my car without having to walk to the bus stops, waiting for a bus and then having to stand packed like a sardine. But to each his own. Am I thrilled to pay a parking fee - not really but I like the convenience of my car over Disney transportation so I will pay the price

At least for now, Deluxe Resorts are more expensive than the parking fee for the parks. I still can't wait for the no spots available for someone automatically charged $24 and see what happens. Do they comp valet them? Do they make them double park? Overflow at TTC with a shuttle?

I still think that Day guest unvalidated parking at an amount equal to or greater than premium parking is the piece that was easily missed. $50 fee for someone gaming the system trying to day park for free seems like a just reward.
go to any major city and try to won't be able to do it without a fee. Chicago can be $40-60 a night....NY City is worse. Disney is now charging for parking because they can. period. be mad all you want, it won't change a thing. suck it up, or vacation some place else. problem is, for every family that says no to Disney over $200 extra for parking....there will be 10 more families who will gladly pay.

Just wait until Disney realizes they can start to charge for "resort fees" on top of the room like most resorts. I give it 3 years before that comes.
go to any major city and try to won't be able to do it without a fee. Chicago can be $40-60 a night....NY City is worse. Disney is now charging for parking because they can. period. be mad all you want, it won't change a thing. suck it up, or vacation some place else. problem is, for every family that says no to Disney over $200 extra for parking....there will be 10 more families who will gladly pay.

Just wait until Disney realizes they can start to charge for "resort fees" on top of the room like most resorts. I give it 3 years before that comes.
It doesn't matter what other places do. Disney is (or was) unique and shouldn't be compared to everywhere else imo.
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Honestly, I see that so much and don't think it's the major factor. Sure it's a nice bonus, but they really just want to create a revenue stream where there was none before. I highly doubt it would deter anyone who lives within driving distance and doesn't fly to change that behavior. What it might change is how much the spend is from that family. Before they may have left the car all week and buy their food on site. Now, if they even book at a WDW hotel, they'll buy some things at the grocery store or hit up a drive thru on the way to their park of the day. Maybe even skip a few days admission that they normally would've paid to go to Universal or the beach instead. But sadly they'll get enough out of it to keep it going.
Maybe at the next economic downturn they'll throw complimentary parking in with their other deals.

You very well may be right! That’s just my hunch. Now, if they start charging for Magical Express then we’ll know for sure.
go to any major city and try to won't be able to do it without a fee. Chicago can be $40-60 a night....NY City is worse. Disney is now charging for parking because they can. period. be mad all you want, it won't change a thing. suck it up, or vacation some place else. problem is, for every family that says no to Disney over $200 extra for parking....there will be 10 more families who will gladly pay.

Just wait until Disney realizes they can start to charge for "resort fees" on top of the room like most resorts. I give it 3 years before that comes.
I'm from Chicago. You can't possibly compare parking in Chicago to parking in WDW. Chicago is an old city that wasn't built to handle lots of cars. You pay a lot for parking because parking is a premium. Most of the hotels in Chicago don't even own their own garages, they contract that out. With the exception of the hotels near the airports, suburban Chicagoland hotels generally do not charge for parking. WDW has more land than they know what to do with. Apples to oranges. And you say that for every family that doesn't come to WDW, 10 more will be lined up to take their place? That's the thing with economics, when prices become too inflated, eventually the bubble will burst.
I haven't looked at the resort amenities page in years. I hope others do.

What I hate is that I simply don't have a choice. I'm local so I have to drive. I guess I DO have choices, but that's basically either suck it up and pay the fee or just take day trips, or don't renew my AP next year and stop coming (which is currently what I'm choosing to do). There's no real reason to stay offsite; the only reason I stay overnight is because I enjoy staying at the DISNEY resorts. This is a lot of the fun of the Disney experience for me. But I honestly wish they'd just raised the resort prices. If they'd raised the deluxe resort prices even by $50 I'd have noticed, grumbled a little, and made a CHOICE as to whether it was worth it to me or not. Sometimes it might be, sometimes maybe I'd stay moderate or value or just make a day trip. But it would be MY decision. I was considering doing a dessert party next month. I think they're crazy expensive for what you get, but if I decide it's worth it to me then it's worth it to me. I'm not complaining about the price because I don't have to pay it unless I want to. Every Disney expense except for the annual passes (which I think are very reasonably priced) I have total freedom over. I can buy yet another pricey t-shirt or not, depending on my mood. I can pay almost $5 for a Mickey bar if I feel like it. I can pay over $300 for lunch with princesses if I want, or I can bring a peanut butter sandwich. Choices. I HAVE to bring my car, which means I HAVE to pay the rent on that $24 worth of Disney asphalt. That one tiny space out of the 40 SQUARE MILES of land Disney owns.

I am really, really angry and upset about this. I am almost as mad at myself as I am at Disney, because I know on an intellectual level that it is just money, just $24 a night, and yes, Disney is a business and the goal of a business is to make as much money as possible. But to me it feels personal, and I'm upset with myself that I can't seem to get over that. I was really hoping that I would get used to the idea of paid parking, calm down a little, and begrudgingly accept the new fee. But I can tell by now that that's not going to happen, and what it means for me is that my good times at Disney are nearing an end. And that makes me really sad.

If they raise the resort price instead of charging for parking, neither you or anyone else (including those who don't bring a car) will have no choice but to pay the higher cost if you want to stay there. You and others aren't forced to pay for parking to stay there. You can take a taxi, Uber or have someone drop you off and avoid that fee. It's really your choice


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