NEW "NURSE" discount offered at the Swan and Dolphin!

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Has a heart bigger then all of
Aug 18, 1999
As of today nurses have the same discount as teachers and goverment employees. You will need to call and ask for the "NURSE" code and see if it is available. You will also need to provide identification at check in!
The new rate will be for $129 per night and is currently avaiable for the same times the TEACH, GOVERMENT, and entertainment and AP dicounts are offered!


Link toSwan and Dolphin FAQ!
<font size=3><font color=green><marquee>Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font></font>
<font color=green>16 times to WDW 13 off 3 on
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Dolphin July 2001
Swan Dec. 2001
Hi is this code year round or are there blocks of time it is available?? thanks
Hey Bubbles!
You are from my neck of the woods! My DH went to Xaverian. I grew up in West Roxbury, and now live in Franklin!

Well, enough chatting here is the info you asked for. The dates of availibilty as of 2/20/2001

3/18/01 - 4/21/01
4/25/01 - 4/28/01
5/03/01 - 5/05/01
5/09/01 - 5/29/01
6/03/01 - 6/05/01
6/08/01 - 6/28/01
7/03/01 - 9/25/01
10/04/01 - 10/05/01
10/11/01 - 10/13/01
10/18/01 - 10/20/01
10/24/01 - 10/28/01
11/01/01 - 11/11/01
11/21/01 - 1/12/02
1/16/02 - 1/19/02
1/25/02 - 1/26/02
1/31/02 - 2/02/02
2/06/02 - 2/16/02
2/21/02 - 2/23/02
2/28/02 - 3/09/02
3/14/02 - 3/16/02
3/20/02 - 3/23/02
3/28/02 - 3/31/02



Link toSwan and Dolphin FAQ!
<font size=3><font color=green><marquee>Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font></font>
<font color=green>16 times to WDW 13 off 3 on
Next trips!
Dolphin July 2001
Swan Dec. 2001
I haven't even tried to get the discount yet for the dates we're going. Hope I can! But even not, I'm so happy they now recognize us hard working nurses(even though I've been a stay at home mom for almost 3 years now, LOL) Thx GLO!
How about dicounts for hard working X-Ray Techs. Maybe all health working should get the dicount (well maybe not doctors). Why just teachers, gov.empl. and nurses?

How do they know if you are a nurse. Do they ask to see your license? I am a respiratory therapist. How about a discount for me too!!
Susiee,Maybe we should call S/D and ask why other health care workers don't get the same discount as Teachers,nurses, and gov't emp. Lucky president Bush even he can get a discount (Ha Ha)jvw X-Ray tech.

I second that as a physical therapist it is strange that only nurses and not other licensed health care workers get the discount.
I called today to see if X-Ray tech. could get a discount at D/S. Ofcoarse they said no. I asked WHY just gov't emp.,teachers,and nurses she couldn't answer me. It's really not fair at all. Maybe just maybe if other health care workers keep calling and asking they will give us the discount too. So let's hear it from all the x-ray techs, lab tech, physical therapists, ras.therapists, and anyone else that thinks this discount is so unfair. jvw

On Saturday I called and they said no and I stated that it did not make any sense to pick only nurses and not other healthcare workers.

So on Sunday I wrote a e-mail to them also.
this discount should apply to ALL licensed medical professionals
for 50 weeks a year i see stuff you could never imagine..or would want to.
so when it comes to my 2 weeks to unwind and relax,a discount would be sweet.
a little appreciation is great thing!

air goes in and out...blood goes round and round ANY deviation to this is considered a BAD thing!!
Just wanted to comment on this because I had stated a few months ago to a poster who I noticed was a nurse that they should get some kind of discount, because I have a lousy disease and these people are invaluable when you have to be pricked with needles ten times a day and they are there to clean up all the throw up after your treatments. And most do it with a smile. I never dreamed that they actually would implement a nurse discount. I understand you all in the health care field feeling this is unfair, but how is that different from the Teacher or Government discounts. By the way Medics and EMTs if paid by the city or county governments are eligible for the government discount. Maybe even city hopsital personnel also.

Please do not complain too much about this newly added benefit for nurses, if you do,it may just be taken away. Believe me these people deserve our thanks and I for one am glad to see the Swan/Dolphin add the benefit. I am an accountant and I don't believe that there will ever be a discount for my profession. Oh well, I never have to clean up someone else's throw up either! LOL

This is just my opinion based on my experience. Please I do not mean to offend anyone ;)
accountants need a discount too! Discounts for everyone!

Seriously, nurses have one of the toughtest jobs out there (as do teachers) and it's great that they can enjoy such nice resorts at a great rate.
Does this matter? She has a license and did work as a nurse but she is taking time off to raise our children.
Hi! I am a teacher and I just used the discount this past weekend to make reservations for spring break. I can't wait. :D

One thing you have to be careful about is that you do have to have proof, either a work ID or a current pay stub or a letter on company letterhead or you will be charged full price when you get there. So it probably won't work if you have been home for 3 years...I'd hate for you to get there and have to pay full price.

Sunni :(
Thank you to neighbor glo. I will definately use the info to plan a trip next year. thanks again
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