New Military Discount Rules

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First, I was a high school English teacher with some of the best student scores in our region, and even with all of the essays I had to grade, I never even once approached a 60 hour work week. On bad weeks, I spent 10 hours grading outside my classroom. On good weeks, I spent no extra time outside school. Time management is a wonderful thing.

Second, even though I taught in very rough districts and faced threats of physical violence at times, I would never even begin to compare the sacrifices of my job to what my husband has to sacrifice as an Army Captain.

One week after the birth of our first daughter, he had to leave for 6 weeks for training. Right now, he's been gone to a school since October, only able to come home for 9 days at Christmas (at our expense). Once he returns at the end of this month, he has 18 days with us before he leaves for a year in Korea. Once he returns from that, he is scheduled to deploy (at least as of now) ten months after that, again for a year.

All of the dangers aside, just the simple sacrifice of TIME is something no other professional in American can fathom. I have friends in the military who have NEVER been around any of their children as newborns. One of my very best friends had her husband home for 6 weeks following their first child's birth. (He was also deployed for one year prior to her getting pregnant). Then, he was deployed for 15 months with ONE two week leave in the middle. He was home for a bit over one year, and then he deployed again, after finding out she was pregnant with their second. He was not able to come home for any leave because it was a 9 month deployment, and he got home when the new baby was 5 months old. He will likely deploy again next year. Most of our friends have faced similar situations in the last several years.

Nurses, teachers, police officers, firefighters, etc. are all very valuable, but the sacrifice is not really even comparable to what our troops face. How often do any of those go months without seeing family? And really, I'm a champion for teachers, but I don't find it to be any more demanding or difficult than any other professional job, and I honestly find it a bit silly to lump teachers and nurses in with public safety officers, but that is just my opinion. Regardless, many businesses DO offer discounts to all of these groups.

So, really, the Disney gesture (among the many other companies that give a slight discount to troops and their families) is very nice. We appreciate it and take advantage of the offers, even when my husband cannot be with us, but I don't think we are entitled to discounts just because of the nature of his work.

Well said. My husband has been gone since October and has had one single day off. And he even had a couple of meetings with higher ups that day so it wasn't even completely work free. He works 7 days a week from 7am to 9:30pm or later. Lives in a tent, works in a tent. Has to find a way to get his job done even though the military doesn't have the ability to give him the items needed to complete the job. He will not be getting R&R, so we will not see him again until he is home for good. This May my son will celebrate his 6th birthday. My husband will have been gone for half of them. I do not expect discounts, nor do I feel entitled to them, but I do feel that it is a nice way to say thank you and will take advantage of them when I can.
Well said. My husband has been gone since October and has had one single day off. And he even had a couple of meetings with higher ups that day so it wasn't even completely work free. He works 7 days a week from 7am to 9:30pm or later. Lives in a tent, works in a tent. Has to find a way to get his job done even though the military doesn't have the ability to give him the items needed to complete the job. He will not be getting R&R, so we will not see him again until he is home for good. This May my son will celebrate his 6th birthday. My husband will have been gone for half of them. I do not expect discounts, nor do I feel entitled to them, but I do feel that it is a nice way to say thank you and will take advantage of them when I can.

By the way, thank you to your DH and to you (and to all service members and families on here) for the sacrifices you make for all of us. I'm certain you don't do it for petty discounts.

At this point, they are not having to offer discounts in order to fill the Dream. That is why you don't see discounts.
Doing something expecting a discount or a reward is selfish and disrespects those that the good deed is done for.

My husband is serving in the military not for the discounts. Nor do we expect them. It is a nice surprise when we get one. Our first cruise, we got one and it was a nice surprise. We sacrfice our family time now for family, friends and for people who talk before they think. Half of our married life, my husband has been away for one reason or another. When we take a vacation it is family time and we enjoy it.

There are many noble jobs out there and we can compare them all day. Just remember not all of them demand as much from a family as service in the military.
Because in service of their country they are asked to leave their families for months and months on end and go to dangerous places where their lives are on the line every day? As for why only US military, Disney is a US based country.

Not all of them...

One of my friend's gets all KINDS of military discounts. Her DH has NEVER been deployed, works 40 hours a week and makes a good living :)

While I don't begrude them the discounts the "assumption" that everyone using the discounts is suffering through a deployment has a flaw. Sadly a LOT of the deployed are lower paid and can't afford DCL even WITH a discount!

That said, I don't see why this is such a "deal breaker" Discounts on hotels etc are not "retroactively" applied in a lot of cases. So assuming that "I can book and they will give me a discount" has a flaw. Discounts are given to fill cabins (even the military discounts), if Disney can fill them without discounts then... they won't give them. Contrary to the "pixie dust" view, they are a corporation and the bottom line is thier top concern!

(And before folks start screaming "you don't know what it's like" my father spent 20 plus years in the military... My brother also served. Had I ever whined about it I would have been put in my place :) I think both of them would agree that other public servants are just as deserving of discounts as they are. As a matter of fact my dad probably would have slapped me for asking for a discount due to his service. )
I just want to say thank you to all those in the military, and their families for all the sacrifices they make for our safety and freedom.
My DH is a police officer, and even though I get nervous everytime he leaves the house, hoping nothing happens to him, it is nothing compared to what the families of the military go through.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!:thumbsup2
You, or anyone dear to you, have obviously never served in the armed forces. Spend a few days overseas in the Middle East, Afganistan or even South Korea. Perhaps then you may develop an appreciation of the liberties and freedoms that our veterans provide for us. They (and their families) make incredible sacrifices.

Personally, I would like to see DCL offer additional perks to all veterans, especially those on active duty. Free line passes, separate check-in line, etc.

I'm going to be controversial here...Yes military personell provide a good service to their respective countries, but I have always wondered why the receive preferential treatment compared to other members of society. I am a teacher, I studied for 5 years to gain the education I needed to qualify - it almost bankrupted me! I am now paid an average salary for the work I put in (I am contacted to work 36 hours a week, but by the time I plan, create exciting lessons and mark work it is almost 60 hours). Why do teachers not get discounts?

Thinking about it - why do nurses not get discounts? Fire and Police people? Voluntary workers? Foster carers? etc.

I think that their should be 'perks' for working for your country, but I just think that they should be a bit fairer. I guess that what I am saying is, I never understood why these discounts seem to always be aimed at the military - and why only US military at that?

Oh my goodness hasn't your Mother ever told you if you have to start a conversation with "I probably shouldn't say this" (or in your case "I'm going to be controversial here") you should just keep your mouth shut??

I'm a proud military spouse. My husband serves in the Canadian Army and we have been posted all over Canada as well as with the United States Army. Unless you have lived this lifestyle you simply can't understand the sacrifices. Period.

I really admire teachers and as a mother of a child with a severe learning disability I truly do believe that teachers shape lives. We have been blessed with truly amazing teachers to whom I will be forever grateful. While those teachers have touched our lives my guess is they have never said goodbye to their children for months at a time...they have never carried a pistol on their belt because they just might need it to live through the day...I have a feeling they have not sat in a bus ready to deploy and held their sobbing 5 year olds hand out the window not having any idea when he would see her again...and they probably haven't had to uproot their family time and time again to better serve their country. While both jobs are very very important they simply can't be compared.

As far as discounts are concerned I can honestly tell you this...there is not one family who joins the military (and yes we all join the military) who does it for a discount. The discounts are nice, and by the way the Coalition Forces are included in almost all military discounts in the States, they certainly aren't the reason my husband has stayed in for 18 years thus far.

Oh and one other thing...most of us live without family anywhere near so we depend on one another to be our family. So if you choose to make comments "to be controversial" prepare for the wrath of the entire community.

(That's for you too you don't have to become a member simply to respond to this thoughtless poster! K. will be in my prayers, as always, as he serves his year in Iraq...again!)
Those who serve our nation do so knowing that they could pay the ultimate sacrifice (death) so that the opinions of our free country may be heard. I served 30 years and am proud to have contributed to the safety of our nation and not for discounts. That said, I have been on 3 DCL trips that were military discounted and the rate was identical to Florida resident rates. I commend other professions where they put themselves in harms way, but at the end of the day they can quit if they wish when the heat is turned up. Our military is behind us citizens and we need never worry they that will do the same.:confused3

BTW, yesterday the April 17, 2011 MR for 10 days had a military rate. Just check the DCL website for special offers under the search for a cruise tab.
I'm going to be controversial here...Yes military personell provide a good service to their respective countries, but I have always wondered why the receive preferential treatment compared to other members of society. I am a teacher, I studied for 5 years to gain the education I needed to qualify - it almost bankrupted me! I am now paid an average salary for the work I put in (I am contacted to work 36 hours a week, but by the time I plan, create exciting lessons and mark work it is almost 60 hours). Why do teachers not get discounts?

Thinking about it - why do nurses not get discounts? Fire and Police people? Voluntary workers? Foster carers? etc.

I think that their should be 'perks' for working for your country, but I just think that they should be a bit fairer. I guess that what I am saying is, I never understood why these discounts seem to always be aimed at the military - and why only US military at that?

Teachers and nurses don't have to leave their families for a year at a time to put their life on the line fighting for their country and YOUR rights.
You're right. That is sad. Disney has always been lacking in this area (military discounts) and now it just got a little worse.


Thanks for the support, but I actually think their discounts have been great. They have even given me a full refund when my hubby got orders to Saudi Arabi before (after penalty)
I have my own opinion on the subject and I won't go further into detail as I genuinely don't wan't to offend.

As for Disney being an American company - true, but Disney Cruise Line is a British company (as in their registered office is Hamersmith, London), registered with Loyd's of London, with ships built in Italy and Germany and flying the Bahamian flag.

And guess what...they offer UK resident discounts also. we know when that went into effect. I made my deposit the 15th of Jan and was told to check back for military discount...although I doubted it would happen being the Dream. Also..are they treating Florida discount the same way?

I'm sorry, I'm not really sure if it applies to existing reservations or not. She said as of today they weren't doing it anymore is all I can remember for sure. I would just give them a call. :)
Not all of them...

One of my friend's gets all KINDS of military discounts. Her DH has NEVER been deployed, works 40 hours a week and makes a good living :)

While I don't begrude them the discounts the "assumption" that everyone using the discounts is suffering through a deployment has a flaw. Sadly a LOT of the deployed are lower paid and can't afford DCL even WITH a discount!

That said, I don't see why this is such a "deal breaker" Discounts on hotels etc are not "retroactively" applied in a lot of cases. So assuming that "I can book and they will give me a discount" has a flaw. Discounts are given to fill cabins (even the military discounts), if Disney can fill them without discounts then... they won't give them. Contrary to the "pixie dust" view, they are a corporation and the bottom line is thier top concern!

(And before folks start screaming "you don't know what it's like" my father spent 20 plus years in the military... My brother also served. Had I ever whined about it I would have been put in my place :) I think both of them would agree that other public servants are just as deserving of discounts as they are. As a matter of fact my dad probably would have slapped me for asking for a discount due to his service. )

WOW! I don't recall anyone saying they expected a discount, not me anyway. I was just letting the people know that an old rule had been changed. I have booked 4 cruises with Disney and was able to use a discount twice and I was very grateful for that, but never expected it or felt intitled to it in ANY way.
I'm sorry, I'm not really sure if it applies to existing reservations or not. She said as of today they weren't doing it anymore is all I can remember for sure. I would just give them a call. :)

Because of this thread, I called to see if the DCL interline policy was also changing. Yes, effective February 7. I put a full update in post #20 here. It may be very similar to the military booking policy change.
WOW! I don't recall anyone saying they expected a discount, not me anyway. I was just letting the people know that an old rule had been changed. I have booked 4 cruises with Disney and was able to use a discount twice and I was very grateful for that, but never expected it or felt intitled to it in ANY way.

Chiming in here... I never expected a discount on our previous cruise but it was a nice surprise when our TA called to let us know that one had been applied. That being said, none of us are in the military for civilian perks. It's a service we are proud to perform for a truly wonderful country and our service doesn't even begin to "give back" for all we have received. That may sound corny to some, but it's how I feel.

As for the discount, I viewed part of it as a thank you for our families. Yes, as a mom I missed my daughter's entire kindergarten year and son's 4th grade while in Iraq, and various birthdays, graduations, mother's day, Father's day, etc etc during other missions. But while I was busy working 16 hours a day, all my family knew was the void in their lives and the news about all the danger in Iraq and the Middle East. I could immerse myself in work to try to deal with all that I missed at home - our families can't do that. Especially for those, like my family, who are part of a Reserve component and hours away from any military installation. They just know that Mommy - or Daddy - isn't there. So, when you think about thanking a vet, please consider turning to their spouse or family and thank them for their unspoken sacrifice too....sorry, I know it's a soapbox.:grouphug:
Disney has been AWESOME giving park tickets discounts so I am thankful for that. (As a matter of fact, we'd not been as a family until I found out about the discounts available and we could afford to go, etc.) Now they have fans for life. :thumbsup2 I have seen discounts here-and-there for the cruises, but we booked our upcoming one regardless (no discount available). Like others have said- I appreciate it whenever it is available.

To the teacher who posted- Ya know- I do often ask stores, companies, other places if a military discount is available and often I hear "No, but are you a teacher?" (or similar)....I never once say "Teachers, but no military discount?!!!" I am instead happy for those who get it and usually you will hear something more like "Oh that's awesome! Teachers need all the help they can get." We often ask the teachers at our kids school if they need anything and donate items on a regular basis to try to keep them from ever having to buy out-of-pocket. I find life is much easier and more fulfilling if you are sincerely happy for those who get a break here-and-there instead of complaining about it.

Oh and if you just google "teachers discounts" and "Disney" (or whatever you desire), many things pop up...

They also offer AAA, residents discounts, etc...on top of other discounts ANYONE can get, etc. At some point, Disney, as well as any company has to draw the line on what discounts they can offer.

Now back to the OP's point- Maybe because of the new ships they just need to try to find ways to sell more sailings without offering too many discounts. :confused3 It is kinda disappointing, but they are a business after all with employees they gotta pay, etc.
I don't understand how anyone could have a problem with military discounts. While many public service jobs are admirable and very important (I am working on my master's in education at the moment), they certainly don't require an individual to leave their families months at a time and put their lives on the line of extreme danger daily. It'd be silly to think that Disney--or any other large company--would give a discount to everyone.

My father was career military in the Air Force and served in Vietnam; both my brothers served in the USAF and the Army. None of them ever expected anything in return. In fact, my dad was spat upon numerous times and cursed when he returned from tours in Vietnam. People are a lot more respectful of those who currently serve and veterans nowadays. I'm extremely proud of the men in my family, and am grateful to those who make a point to thank my father openly for his service (he wears some of his insignia as pins on his hats). It'd be nice if they'd offer military discounts on all cruises and not just specific sailings. But never have we ever felt entitled to them!
I heard there are no discounts of the Dream - only the Wonder. I guess that is typical for new ships/hotels.

At this point, they are not having to offer discounts in order to fill the Dream. That is why you don't see discounts.

Actually there have been FL resident rates for the Dream...this past Sunday's sailing, 1/30/11, offered them.
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