New Menu Items Coming To Mama Melrose's @ DHS

Has been years since we dined there, pre Co-Vid. But a new menu, if it's different enough could be worth trying. Never thought their food was bad, but not special either.
Went last week, did the Fantasmic package. Quality is still the same, it’s basically Olive Garden in a nicer atmosphere. A couple observations…

The bruschetta has goat cheese but they don’t tell you on the menu.

We asked for bread but the server said they don’t do the bread anymore because the chef wants people to buy the garlic bread. Other reviews with bread have since been posted + we saw other tables with bread so I’m chalking that up to our bad server (service was lousy to the point of almost non-existent as we had to flag her down for everything, suspect it was because we were a group of 6 so she was already guaranteed the tip- only place I felt the server took advantage of that).
just watched the Dis Unlimited review. Wow, they were not impressed at all.
The lack of bread service seems cheap. Will wait to read more reviews, but based on their report on multiple apps, main course and desserts, no reason to go back unless others have a much better experience.
Went last week, did the Fantasmic package. Quality is still the same, it’s basically Olive Garden in a nicer atmosphere. A couple observations…

The bruschetta has goat cheese but they don’t tell you on the menu.

We asked for bread but the server said they don’t do the bread anymore because the chef wants people to buy the garlic bread. Other reviews with bread have since been posted + we saw other tables with bread so I’m chalking that up to our bad server (service was lousy to the point of almost non-existent as we had to flag her down for everything, suspect it was because we were a group of 6 so she was already guaranteed the tip- only place I felt the server took advantage of that).
That's really pathetic. I sort of wish there was a place on the MDE to give a CM an uncomplimented rating. They make it relatively easy and painless to acknowledge a positive experience with a CM, but don't provide (or I couldn't find it) a way to share a negative in the same app.

I would have been tempted to do some very interesting things to make that server earn that mandatory tip.
I would have been tempted to do some very interesting things to make that server earn that mandatory tip.
🤣 you’d have had to find them first

If it had been really bad I would have noted the name and written to guest services, it wasn’t bad enough for me to do that. But, I won’t go to Mama’s with a group of 6+ again. And my brother wouldn’t order that bruschetta again lol.
We ate at Mama Melrose last week. Across the board, we were disappointed with our meals. The food declined.

Our server told us that the changes were driven by feedback. Guests thought the food tasted too bland.

It seems the "fix" was to add a lot of salt. I don't think I've ever eaten such salty pasta.

My caesar salad was buried in ground pepper. I really like ground pepper but, even for me, the taste of pepper overwhelmed every other flavor.

On the plus side, we asked for bread and were provided with this. But they replaced traditional oil and vinegar with balsamic vinaigrette. I didn't like it and ended up using butter instead.

Flavor has never been Mama Melrose's strong suit but we still enjoy the atmosphere. However, we both decided we are not going back for a long time. What used to be passable food has declined to subpar.
They used to have really good steaks there but the last few years the meat didn’t seem to be as high quality as before - but I think that can be said for a lot of the restaurants at WDW and even around home…since COVID, food quantity has suffered…
Ask to see the manager. I have done this if something is wrong with service. Conversely I ask to see the manager if I think the service was excellent.


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