
Pixie Dust or Bust!!
Aug 25, 2000
While visiting the UK Dis Board

I saw a post about of this DISNEY VACATION PLANNER.

I think it is almost as Great as the Passporter,only this one is for your Computer!! You can see at a glance how your planning is working out!!

It's a MUST for Over Planners!![and aren't we all now that we have found the Dis! You Have to Read the Rookie Comments!roflol!!]

It is Freeware And can be downloaded from this link.

I can't wait to plan my next trip with this planner!

Thanks to poster Laura's Dad for the new link!

This is the one that worked for me. I didn't even know about the UK DIS board. Now I'll never get off the computer (LOL). Hey - how come their search function works and ours doesn't?
I can get to the site but when I click download a blank page comes up.
Originally posted by starwood
I didn't even know about the UK DIS board. Now I'll never get off the computer (LOL). Hey - how come their search function works and ours doesn't?

Hi Starwood!

I THINK because the UK site is run off of a different server and they don't have as heavy a "load" as the US Boards, so they can still run the search.

I KNOW that the Search feature is something that our Tech Guys are diligently working on.
I have reinstalled both of the links! However if on the UK DIS board link,if it shows you a "can't find" page with the Uk address on it then click GO/Return/enter and you should be connected. It's harder to connect to the UK.

About the Disney Vacation Planner make sure you are down loading the 1.95 file First,then the Update!!

When I downloaded the DVP file it loaded to the Real Player Downloader then popped up the run file to install it.

I hope This helps sort out the problems.
This is a great tool! I use this for my planning. One of the things that I like about it is that when it prints, it prints one day per page. I have a folder I bring and I have one dsection for each day. I put ant vouchers, or coupons in with the days printout and the night before I go over my plans for the next day and in the morning, I grab everything from that section. It is also handy when there are extra people. I can hand out a page to each person with PS times and numebrs on it. Enjoy!
This is absolutely the best tool for free yet. I love the fact it's set up for other destinations, as well. Also, I like the day by day printouts, too.
There is SO MUCH Info in the pull down Menu's at the top!!! :earsboy: The Menu's help with every aspect of your trip planning!!
You can also obtain the vacation planner at Intercot.com. I have it already installed for my June trip. I use it as a countdown timer and vacation planner.
HELP!!! I need simple, stupid instructions on this. I downloaded it, but then get an install program, which I did, but then it asks for disk 2, help - I want this bad!!!!!



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