Neverland Club...


DIS Veteran
Jan 19, 2001
We have reservations at the Poly, and my hubby and I would love to have a night alone. My question is...I have a 12 year old DS, is he too old for the Neverland Club? I won't leave him alone in the room, and I know he would be fine with going there, I just don't want him to feel funny if there are only little children. Please any info would be great! Thanks! :D :D
I found this on the WDW website.

"Services for Children: Parents can take a break, thanks to unique child activity centers, in-room babysitting, learning programs, and dinner clubs (nominal fee for services; subject to availability)."

Maybe you could go here and email them for information. At the bottom of the page it says "contact us". I have alway found them to be very helpful.

Hope this helps a little. :)

Here is another spot I found.


"The Twins"

[This message was edited by anut4disney on 03-14-01 at 04:14 PM.]

[This message was edited by anut4disney on 03-14-01 at 04:17 PM.]

[This message was edited by anut4disney on 03-14-01 at 04:18 PM.]
I believe they take up to 12 year olds. We were just at the poly in Feb. and my 3 boys went to the Neverland club and LOVED it. They got to play nintendo and other video games all night, watch movies, eat dinner, and I think my little one did some kind of craft activity. My kids were 10, 7 and 5.



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