Netgrocer Questions


Earning My Ears
Jan 7, 2001
I read on someone's trip report that they ordered food from Netgrocer and their package was waiting at the hotel for them upon check-in. I can no longer find that post.
Just wondered how many people do this. If so, are you happy with it? How far in advance would you place your order? Do you call WDW and tell them you are expecting a package?
It seems like it would be more convenient than having to stop at a store along the way.
We have used Netgrocer 3 times. I usually put the order in a week in advance. They say 3-4 days, but since nothing is perishable it makes sense to have it there ahead of you. You must put your arrival date on your order. We send the pkge to OKW and they hold it at the desk for us.


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