Nervous about Portofino


DIS Veteran
May 30, 2000
DH and I have ressies for next May at the Portofino, but I'm getting nervous. There seem to be lots of negative reviews lately and talk about a huge rennovation in the future. I'm concerned about spending a lot of $$ for average (or worse) accommodations.

Is HRH in better shape at this point? I've tried looking at RP, but our dates aren't available.

Appreciate all thoughts
We have been to the HRH 3 times in the last two years (16 nights total) and the rooms have always been in very good shape (last trip was November 2003). The only thing I've noticed is they always seem to be repairing the hallway walls at the HRH because the maid service carts are always marring/denting the walls. Overall though these hotels seem to be very well maintained unless something has changed in the last year.

By the way one of our favorite places to eat in Orlando is Mama Della's at the Portofino. "Don't miss it"
We just got back from a 4 night stay on Monday, and I have no reason to feel that the Portofino is anything but my favorite hotel (and this is coming from a diehard Disney fan and DVC owner). The only reason we keep going back to Universal (which is kind of boring me at this point) is to stay at the Portofino. We've stayed there every Thanksgiving since it opened, and plan to continue going back.

I've had no interest in staying at HRH...don't know why. My best friend stayed there in January, and loved it. Even our teenaged DDs, who I thought would love HRH, don't want to stay anywhere but the Portofino. I wouldn't mind staying at Royal Pacific sometime, but we won't give up our Thanksgivings at the Portofino.

Enjoy it!
Thanks MaryAnnDVC .... we're DVC owners also and have never stayed at Universal before. We're staying there on the weekend and then moving over to BWV (yes, avoiding those weekend points). With all the negative posts lately I was concerned we'd be disappointed. I think we'll stick with it at this point.
I agree with MaryAnnDvc! I have a teenage daughter also, and she absolutely loves Portofino Bay. We stayed at the HRH in "03" and we felt it was very [/I]Cool. But, after staying at the PB this year....this was the first place she ask to return too.

I'm sure you will enjoy you stay!
We love Portofino..have stayed many times. Don't change your ressie.
I happen to LOVE the Portofino. It is the best and it is one of the main reasons that I like staying at Universal. Plus, since you have Universal Express privaledges it makes it all worth the extra $$$.

Have fun!!! :Pinkbounc


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