Need your help for a friend(Long, sorry!)


DIS Veteran
May 22, 2000
This is my 1st post on this board, but after reading a few posts I am sure you all can help me. I am trying to help a friend plan a short notice trip to WDW for his wife and two young kids. His wife has brain cancer and will be in a wheelchair. Able to walk very short distances, but otherwise very weak. He is trying to make a few lasting memories for his girls (ages 6 & 9). I don't think his wife will live much more than 1 more year or so. Anyway, after her next MRI later this month he is hoping she will be off Chemo for long enough to make this trip. He is very worried about getting from the plane in FL to the resort. I think he wants to rent a car and the hassle/impossibility of doing this while wheeling his wife, taking care of the girls and toting the luggage. I am looking for any suggestions that may help him. Also, I saw mentioned here a "Disabilities Guide". Where can I get one of these for him and do you think it would help? I have already told him that the Poly might be a good place for them since he feels the MK will be where they spend most of their time, and if the pool is finished by the time they go that would be a huge plus! Any how, thanks for taking the time to read all this and for any help you can offer.


Castmember Laura
YOu can get the Guide at any Guest Relations for that theme park. There are 4. Also you could call Information and have them all sent to them.
Unless you friend truely wants to have a car on property I would suggest calling Florida Towncar or Tiffany and setting up with them both pickup and delivery from the airport. They will meet you at luggage pickup with a sign with your family name on it and take you directly to the resort. Same on return trip to airport.

Someome can you provide the numbers. I don't have them right here at the moment.

Welcome. Keep asking questions until you feel like you have it all worked out.
If you go to the Transportation Board, there are links at the top with some of the limo services and you will find posts with the phone numbers. If he feels really strongly about having a car, but doesn't want the hassle of getting them and all their stuff to the hotel, they could take a limo and get a car later. I have read about getting a car while on Disney property. I think it is National.
For the Guidebook for Guest with Disabilities, like lisapooh said, you can pick them up at any of the parks in Guest Services. You can also download them from the internet. Click here for Official WDW Disabilities Guides.
If you j ust want lists of rides where she can stay in the wheelchair and to know which rides require a transfer out of the wheelchair, click here for DIS site dismobility page.
She should also look into a Guest Assistance Card. Click here for link to info about GAC.
One great hint is to remember that the first aide station is a good place to rest if she becomes tired and they don't want to go back to the room. It is dim and quiet and she could rest there . Also, if she is worried she might be too weak to use the bathroom without help, I am sure they would help her.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
National does have a counter at the Car Service Center right on Disney property. I rented at the airport - was relatively easy, but still nerve racking. The return at the Service Center was a breeze. I drove the car there, and they took me back to my resort.

We had unusual circumstances on our last trip - all of our party arrived the day before I did. So, they Tiffany Town Car'd in. And then we used my rental car for most of the trip, and then we Tiffany'd out. Your friends may not need a car at all, and if so, I'd recommend Tiffany. My son's wheelchair (taken apart a bit - handles and wheels removed and placed in trunk with chair), 2 adults and 3 kids all fit in the limo! That was a highlight of the trip for the kids. Communication is the key - tell the Tiffany person everything you need, what you are worried about,and they will handle it. The cost is reasonable.

SueM is full of useful information and her post has important links. Great tip re: first aid stations. They are a wonderful island in the middle of a lot of heat and sun. I would also suggest they carefully plan their activities and not think they can do park after park after park! Even regularly healthy people will wear down and get cranky! So - be realistic in planning. I see they chose MK as the main place, sounds like a great idea. Epcot is a very wheelchair friendly place, and there are lots of good places to rest.

I really really hope they get to take this trip. It can be so magical, and like you said create some wonderful memories.

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