Need wedding shower ideas for a couple already in a fully stocked home


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Aug 18, 1999
I need ideas for an adult couple with kids who are getting married but are already living together. Their wedding gift list is for furniture, not the usual household items. (I'm guessing they will get money for wedding gifts..... I'm not sure if anyone on the guest list will be able to give them a piece of furniture.)

I don't want to do a personal/lingerie shower but I was thinking about a pantry & recipe shower. Something like...... "bring a favorite recipe and the ingredients for it". Do you think it would be tacky to add..... "if your favorite recipe is to eat out, gift certificates are welcome."

Any other ideas? Help!!!!
Why are you having a shower for them in the first place? The idea behind a shower is to help a new couple supply their home. Maybe it would be better to have an engagement party or just a party instead. You could do a couples party or a family party with kids with a BBQ. If people want to bring gifts that would be up to them but I wouldn't call it a shower.
Yeah, I think that showers are for people who need stuff. If they have everything, I wish the bride would have a "donations to charity" shower. If not, I think an engagement party would be better. Then maybe people wouldn't feel pressure to give gifts if they don't want to.
Funny you should mention this, my co-worker is attending a shower for an adult couple (with grown kids & already live together) this weekend... why they are having a shower is beyond me but anyway, the shower theme was kind of fun....

It's called an Around the Clock shower, each guest gets assigned a time of day & then has to bring a gift suitable for that time. My friend got 5pm which we decided would be Happy Hour!! She's bringing a gift basket with martini glasses etc....
I like the Around the Clock idea. Very cute!

We had an Entertaining shower when we were getting married. We got items one would need to entertain, such as ice buckets, wine openers, bar tools, some large platters, fancy bowls, and so on.

Or you could make it an "Out on the Town" shower, where everybody brings a gift certificate for going out somewhere...dinner, theater, sporting events.

Are they moving into a new home or does their current home need a lot of work? How about a "Home Depot" shower?

Or you could call it an engagement party and let everyone decide whether they want to bring a gift or not, and then you don't have to worry about it!!!!!

I also like your idea of a pantry and recipe shower, if you are set on having a theme shower. Everybody always needs food, whether you have been living together or not!!!!
I love the engagement party idea.

Do a theme based on an interest they have. Asking for furniture is tacky :sad2:.
This could shoot to the #1 in tacky gift begging category if you can list the items they are asking for.:lmao:
The Mystery Machine said:
I love the engagement party idea.

Do a theme based on an interest they have. Asking for furniture is tacky :sad2:.
This could shoot to the #1 in tacky gift begging category if you can list the items they are asking for.:lmao:

i dunno- i still think the invitations that list the happy couple's escrow account number with 'please direct your gifting efforts toward our goal of purchasing a new home' is hard to beat :rolleyes:

furniture hmmm, methinks i might be looking at matching beanbag chairs (and they have some REALY 'cool' ones you can order on line that will embroider their names and wedding date on-but gee then they would'nt be able to return them if they did'nt suit their tastes :p ).
barkley said:
i dunno- i still think the invitations that list the happy couple's escrow account number with 'please direct your gifting efforts toward our goal of purchasing a new home' is hard to beat :rolleyes:

How about #2???
Remember old fashioned barn raisings. Maybe the couple could have a "house raising" or a furniture making shower. "Everybody bring their tools and wear their overalls!" :thumbsup2
I have to say a shower is to celebrate a wedding...not go get it doesn’t matter....what they already have.....
DH and I had bought our house during our engagement, and had all the house hold things...So we had a honeymoon shower....Everyone brought us stuff we'd need for our trip to Hawaii....also we registered for our honeymoon to make it easier...we got snorkeling trips, spa gift certificates, sun block, beach towels, someone even got us grass skirts and coconut bras...they really mad it fun....

Also if they have everything maybe its time to update a room
like a towels, shower curtains, floor mates, toothbrush holders, etc...
you can really pick any room in the house to updated...

My girlfriend had also just moved and we had a stock the bar glass ware....

I do like the recipe idea as well.......Just keep it fun and make sure there is something in every price range….I doesn’t matter at what point in life the couple is…they are a bride and groom and deserve a special shower
Miss Inga Depointe said:
Remember old fashioned barn raisings. Maybe the couple could have a "house raising" or a furniture making shower. "Everybody bring their tools and wear their overalls!" :thumbsup2

visions of lopsided stools ala junior high woodshop are coming to mind :teeth:
wendy46001 said:
I have to say a shower is to celebrate a wedding...not go get it doesn’t matter....what they already have.....
DH and I had bought our house during our engagement, and had all the house hold things...So we had a honeymoon shower....Everyone brought us stuff we'd need for our trip to Hawaii....also we registered for our honeymoon to make it easier...we got snorkeling trips, spa gift certificates, sun block, beach towels, someone even got us grass skirts and coconut bras...they really mad it fun....

Also if they have everything maybe its time to update a room
like a towels, shower curtains, floor mates, toothbrush holders, etc...
you can really pick any room in the house to updated...

My girlfriend had also just moved and we had a stock the bar glass ware....

I do like the recipe idea as well.......Just keep it fun and make sure there is something in every price range….I doesn’t matter at what point in life the couple is…they are a bride and groom and deserve a special shower

Actually, a shower is to get gifts, not to celebrate the marriage. The history of a shower was to supply a new couple with household items to start their new lift together. That is why it isn't customary to give a shower for second weddings. The wedding reception is the celebration of the marriage.
wendy46001 said:
I have to say a shower is to celebrate a wedding...not go get it doesn’t matter....what they already have.....

I guess that's what it has become, but that's pretty recent, relatively speaking. It used to be, not so long ago, to help people set up housekeeping. Literally. It's hard to start from scratch, you know, when you need everything.

Now it's just presents. Kind of loses the fun a little, I think. I guess not for the bride.
the shower was (still is in some parts of the world) the event immediatly preceding the wedding wherein the brides family provides the dowry to the groom's family. i just watched a documentary on one region that still has this tradition and there is a huge issue going on with the american born grooms to be (family comes from that region) arranging marriages, going over and participating in the shower-then immediatly hopping a flight back to the u.s. with the dowry of mostly jewlery and cash.
Claudia, I think your idea is a good one. :)
I think I would give a couple registered for furniture my Barbie Dreamhouse living room set. :rolleyes1
golfgal said:
Why are you having a shower for them in the first place? The idea behind a shower is to help a new couple supply their home. Maybe it would be better to have an engagement party or just a party instead. You could do a couples party or a family party with kids with a BBQ. If people want to bring gifts that would be up to them but I wouldn't call it a shower.

I agree...if they are already living together and have all their everyday things they need for the house there is no reason they should even be having a shower. Second weddings, already living together before the wedding showers..second kids-no baby shower-only for the first ones as far as I am concerned.
aprilgail2 said:
I agree...if they are already living together and have all their everyday things they need for the house there is no reason they should even be having a shower. Second weddings, already living together before the wedding showers..second kids-no baby shower-only for the first ones as far as I am concerned.

Gee...that doesnt sound festive....
think its a good excuse to give a party for a friend..... :woohoo:


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