Need info for motorized chair rental for Mom


Mar 23, 2000
I am hoping that my mom will be able to join us this Easter at WDW, but she has trouble getting around & would definitely need one of those motorized things... not sure what they are called. Any info on prices & tips for renting at the parks and other areas of WDW? I don't think she can even consider coming unless this could be available to her.
Already found my answer! The thing is an ECV and there's lots of info on the disABILTIES board. Thanks anyway!
Glad you found your way over to disABILITIES, which I was going to suggest. We visited last Spring and my Mom rented the ECV every time we went to a park. She was thrilled and wished she had tried one sooner. She was afraid of driving into walls but said the thing was actually very easy to maneuver.

Please make sure your Mom is ready to ask for all the help she may need. My Mom had a hard time walking from the shop where you return the ECV to the handicapped parking spots. We now know that if you just ask, a CM will accompany you so Mom doesn't have to walk at all. Disney will also provide you with a wheelchair to use all week, if you are staying on-site and one is available. I now request this when I make our reservations.

Disney is my Mom's favorite place, and now she realizes that asthma and limited mobility DO NOT need to keep her from enjoying WDW. Hope you guys have a great trip!
I'd strongly suggest renting an ECV for your entire stay from one of the medical supply companies listed on the DISabilities boards. My DF is 83 & has gone w/us twice in the past three years; the first time he just rented the ECV's in the parks, but then he didn't have it at the hotel, and missed going to the Boardwalk & doing mini golf because it would have been too much walking. In Nov. 2002, we rented for our entire stay from Walker Medical, and the ECV was at baggage services when we arrived (w/a full charge) and we just dropped it back off at baggage servcies when we left. It gave DF a lot more freedom & he didn't feel like he was slowing us down! We just plugged it in when we got back to the room to re-charge & he was ready to was much easier than hoping each park had one when we got there (we park hop alot).
I see you found the disABILITIES Board already and also got some good advice here. For anyone else, you can follow the link in my signature to the disAABILITIES Board. The outside places that DIS posters usually rent ecvs from are:
Care Medical:

Walker Mobility:

RANDY'S Mobility is in Kissimmee 407-892-4777

Colonial Medical

I would suggest renting from off-site, especially since you are going during Easter break. It's really busy then and since ecvs at the parks are first come, first serve, there is no guarantee you will get one. You can usually get a wheelchair from your WDW resort, but some posters have indicated that the one available to them was not what they needed -like there was a regular one when they needed extra wide or vice versa.


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