need help! Universal and area attractions


Earning My Ears
Feb 27, 2001
I am taking my daughter and her friend (12 years old) to Orlando next week.

They have both been to Disney and Epcot in the past. My question is, is there enough to do at Universal for 5 days? What about city walk in the evening for them? I have no idea on how to plan and would welcome any suggestions. We are staying off premises at Sheraton World. (anyone familiar with hotel?)

All suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
5 days is probably a good amount of time for Universal. They can see and do everything, some things even several times. If you want to try something else, you may want to consider Sea World for a day or two.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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