Need gift idea for 7 or 8 year old boy


<font color=red>Has an outlet for romance<br><font
Apr 4, 2003
My grown niece and nephew live with their dad, who is my sister's ex. Also living in the house is the ex's 7 or 8 year old son, by his second (failed) marriage. When I send a gift box for my niece and nephew, I always like to include a little something for their half brother. I don't really know the little guy. I don't want to spend more than $10-$15. Don't suggest a gift card because his dad is the kind who might just keep it for himself.

What's a good generic little boy present?
At this time of year, you can usually find a tub of K'nex for about $15. It is stuff to build things with.

If you aren't familiar with these - here is their website:knex
Does he read? My grandson loves the "Magic Treehouse" books, and I can get them at target.
my ds who is 8 likes Captain Underpants books, beyblades which are about $7 - $8, he loves magnetix - you can get a small set of 40 for about $5 at Kmart or one of those type of discount stores. There's always the classic type things like legos, G.I. Joe, green army men, little police action sets, matchbox car sets...
BeyBlades and Bionicles are both fairly cheap and popular with that age group
How about those new games that you hook up to the TV - they have Spongebob, spiderman, atari, pac man. Target and Walmart have them for $15. My 8 year old loves it. You can travel w/ them. They hook up to any TV - even in the car.
Spy gear is big with my boys (8 & 10). They have combo packs or individual packs at target & toysrus. My guys love the room gaurds, night vision googles, invsible ink kits... I would caution against the listening device. My kids hear more than enough without them.
I hate Captain Underpants! Do not encourage stupidity! Legos, K'nex always winners!
Matchboxes (you could get a TON of cars for $10 to $15)
Trading Cards (Yu Gi Oh, Sports, etc)

This is very sweet of you to do for him.

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