Need campground suggestions for area 100 miles west of Lake City to Lake City


Earning My Ears
Jan 6, 2001
I have pulled my RV from Louisiana to WDW three times. The first two times I made the drive straight through. The last time I went we stayed at a KOA in Lake City the first night and made a liesurly drive in to Orlando the next day. I hope to do the same this June. Can any of you recommend a nice campground along I-10 from about 100 miles west of Lake City, up to or just past Lake City?
We live in Louisiana and have made that trip many times. We have stayed in the Tallahassee RV park (exit 31A). They have pull throughs. Also have stayed in the Inn and Out RV Camp Park in Lake City. This is right near the interstate and easy to get to. Pull throughs also.(Exit 82) Ocala, also has a nice KOA near the interstate. Hope this helps.


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