Need an easy dessert for a Super Bowl Party


<font color=blue>DIS Earth Angel!<br><font color=0
Mar 19, 2001
OK, I have been 'elected' to bring a dessert to my DSIL's Super Bowl Party. And of course, our Pats are playing, so I was hoping to do something to tie that in. Anyone have any brilliant ideas? I was thinking of a sheet cake, cut in the shape of a shirt, and decorated to look like a Pats jersey, but...they will also be celebrating a couple of birthdays, so there will be lots of cake. Ideas please!!
Oreo Cookie Dessert

1 lb Oreo cookies
1 stick butter melted
8 oz. softened cream cheese
2 8 oz. containers of cool whip
1 cup confectioners sugar
1 package chocolate instant pudding
1 package vanilla instant pudding
3 cups milk

Crush cookies (even the whites) and set aside 1/4 cup.
Mix cookie crumbs and melted margarine and press into 9 x 13 pan. Refrigerate 1 hour.
Mix together cream cheese, 1 carton cool whip and 1 cup confectioners sugar. spread over cookie crust. Refrigerate 1 hour.
Combine milk and 2 packages of pudding and spread on top of cream cheese layer.
Top with 2nd carton of cool whip and sprinkle reserved crumbs over top. Refrigerate.


AandBs MOM
Both Bread Pudding and Bananas Foster are traditional New Orleans desserts. How about this recipe that combines both.

Bananas Foster Bread Pudding
Yield: 16 Servings


     10 oz bread -- stale, crumbled
  1 1/2 c  milk
  1 1/2 c  cream
      1 c  banana liqueur
      2 c  sugar
      8 tb butter -- melted
      4 lg eggs
      2 tb vanilla
      5 md bananas -- cut up
      1 c  pecans -- chopped
      1 tb cinnamon

1 ea stick butter
2 c dark brown sugar
4 oz banana liqueur
4 oz dark rum
ground cinnamon

Combine all ingredients; mixture should be very moist
but not soupy. Pour into buttered 9x12" or larger
baking dish. Place into non-preheated oven. Bake at
350 degrees for approx. 75 minutes, until top is
golden brown. Serve warm with sauce.

Bananas Foster Sauce:

Melt butter and add brown sugar to form a creamy
paste. Let this mixture caramelize over heat for
approx. 5 minutes. Stir in banana liqueur and rum.
Heat and ignite. Agitate to keep flame burning, and
add a few pinches of voodoo magic (ground cinnamon) to
the flame. Let flames go out and serve warm over warm
bread pudding.

Recipe By : New Orleans School of Cooking
yummy yum yum

Thanks everyone! These sound great.
Okay... I can't think of anything spefic, but I would do something with red white and blue !! How about a fruit triffle.... layer the cake and pudding with blueberries and strawberries !

GO PATS !!!!


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