National car--I'm nickel & diming it now!


"Oh! That's very different. Never mind!" Rosean
Jan 25, 2001
Just made a new reservation 1wk, full size, June for $137.90. Saved $1.65 over last reservation but since my first reservation have saved over $50.
WOW!! I thought I had a great price for July ($179, intermediate, 8 days) -- I'd better keep checking. MAYBE the price'll go down?
Hey beccab...
I'm in your boat... saved about $2.00 last week!
(perfect smile for this post!)
My rate just dropped $12 from yesterday and yesterday's was a drop of about $70. My thanks to those on this board. It never occured to me to keep checking rates instead of settling for the first one before I started reading here.
Great rate!
How did you manage it? I just got a midsize today for $144.98 a week. I don't mind dropping it a few more dollars.
So when you find a lower rate, do you just change the reservation you have? Or do you make a new one and cancel the old one? Thanks!
I'm with you...I checked rates again tonight and saved $5.01 over my previous rate (I'm now at $95.27 for a full-sized (or Emerald Aisle) for one week ($132.91 with all taxes, etc.)) for May 5-11!

I originally started out at around $290 for an intermediate but kept checking the rates every time I thought about it and making new reservations every time they lowered.

Now if May would just hurry and get here!!!:bounce:
it is better to do the new reservation first and get it confirmed......

then you can cancel the other one...

this way you at least still have something you "were" satisfied with .....if ....there happens to be an instantaneous change in rates
Thanks alot lawgs! I really need to start checking...we aren't going until August...but I sure would like to see one of those $95 weekly rates! I finally wrestled DH's Emerald Club card away from him so I would have the number! That sounds like a great way to go!

I just love these boards! :bounce:
Yes, follow the advise given in the previous posts. Just keep checking & when you find a better rate grab it. Cancel the old ressie after you have the new confirmation. I always print my confirmation from the National web site & print my email confirmation.

The one thing I panicked on once is I cancelled one ressie then checked the new one, I had put in the wrong dates. So make sure all your info is correct before cancelling the old reservation!
Whenever I check National, I can't seem to beat the rate I got back in September of $114 weekly rate for a full size with EA.

With discounts, and taxes, I'm paying $137 for 8 days the week of July 4th. I don't know if I can do better than that.;)


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