names of Grocery Stores and Gas Stations by WDW


Earning My Ears
Jan 12, 2001
We are staying offsite. Could someone please tell me which the names of the grocery stores are that are close to WDW. I would also like to know what gas stations are in the area as I have a charge card of a couple. Finally, what other stores are closeby that are more chains so I have an idea of what is there if we need it. Thank you

Gas Stations, there are many sorry can't help yo with the names.

Grocery stores ....depends on where offsite you are staying (its a big area)

The chains are Winn-Dixie and Publix. They each have a website and a store locator. Do a map-it on the address listed. If you are staying close to LBV then the Crossroads Mall has Goodings (24 hr grocery store) Warning it is convienent but pricey. Hope this helps!
there is also a walmart super store along 192 not far from publix (located at 535 and 192)....just a bit further than medieval (sp) times

best prices for gas usually are at Race Trac (192)

and hess (new station on 535) just down from 536 and going towards 192

there are also good prices along sand lake road coming in from the airport if you do not use the beeline...

mobil 7eleven ...all had prices in the 1.40 range when we were there in december...

just keep your eyes open as you travel....

if you buy gas near the cross roads plaza or on site at disney be prepared for about a 20 cent per gallon difference

at least that is what we saw...


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