My USF visit (July 31, 2000)


DIS Veteran
Oct 19, 1999
Hey, this is from my vacation narrative from last year's vacation. It's a little more descriptive and summarative than other's.

On July 31, 2000, we went to UNIVERSAL STUDIOS FLORIDA. Again, we woke up at 6:10 p.m. to get ready. Again, the order that we woke up was Mom, myself, then Dad. We ate breakfast at Ponderosa instead of at the hotel because the last time we ate was around 2:00 p.m. the previous day. After breakfast, we drove to UO (Universal Orlando, the resort area that contains UNIVERSAL STUDIOS FLORIDA, Islands of Adventure, and CityWalk) via one of the small roads leading to it.
As we entered the parking structures, we were instructed to go to the Jaws section. This was a first for us because the last two years, we parked in the Jurassic Park section. After we parked, we exited from the car and organized our carryall bag. As we were doing this, we heard music and lines from the movie, Jaws, playing through speakers within the parking structure.
After we got things settled, we made our way to the skywalk that would lead us to CityWalk. As we were walking on the skywalk, we heard music and lines from various Universal movies playing through speakers located inside the skywalk. As we approached the end of the skywalk, we saw a sign that said ‘Universal Studios Florida to the right’. We hung a right and continued our way through CityWalk until we saw Universal’s entrance archway. As we made our way to the turnstiles, we saw Xena and Hercules walk-around characters.
Once inside the archway, we thought we had the right entry line, but it turned out that we didn’t, so we had to walk to another line, where we got in without a hitch. After we gained entry, we picked up some theme park maps. We then headed to the new MEN IN BLACK: ALIEN ATTACK ride.
MEN IN BLACK: ALIEN ATTACK, or MIB: AA, is Universal’s newest ride (opened in April 2000). It’s set at the time of the 1964 World’s Fair, which is titled “Universe and You”. It’s modeled after the 1997 movie, Men in Black, and it’s designed as the sequel to Men in Black.
The queue sequence started as we walked into a room where we listened to the beginning of the “Universe and You” introduction. After five minutes, the transmission is interrupted and permission to enter MIB’s training center was granted. We heard Agent Zed (played by Rip Torn in the movie) urging us to hurry up and challenged us to be the best of the best. As we walked through the various queue rooms, we saw the break room with two of the three worm-like aliens in it gossiping. We also passed the immigration room and saw the one-eyed aliens who observed alien activity in the movie. We also walked through the weapons room, where we watched a film on ride safety precautions. On the PA system, we also heard several pages for MIB agents. Some of the pages were funny. The one I remember was “Agents E, I, and O need to meet with Agent P in Immigration. That’s agents E, I, E, I, O.” Well, anyway, we finally made it to the loading dock.
We boarded our six-person vehicle, where three people sit in the front and three sit in the back (we sat in front). We had a choice between the Noisy Cricket or an Alienator, the two ray guns used in this ride (I had the Noisy Cricket). On this ride, we were on the search for renegade aliens and each other, and it’s actually a competition between our car and our opponent’s car. Our task was to find as many aliens as we could and shoot at them. Our vehicle spun whenever aliens or the opposing car shot us. The “Big Bug” Alien swallowed us, but we detonated a thermo-reactor explosion that sets us free. There were “alien guts”, which was actually warm water sprayed on our faces. During the ride, each of us had an individual score (I managed to get somewhere in the 20,000’s), but in addition, our team received an overall score and grade. Will Smith (plays Agent J in the movie) told us our overall score, grade (either Bug Bait, Atomically Average, or Galaxy Defender), and who won out of our car and the other car. At the end, a neutralizer “eye exam” was administered.
After we got off MEN IN BLACK, we decided to ride it again, since it was still early in the morning. Another reason we rode it was that during the course of the day, new attractions seem to attract massive amounts of people. Again, we sat in front of the six-person vehicle. I chose the Alienator ray gun this time. I ended up get another score in the 20,000’s. THIS RIDE IS FUN!!!
This ride was what brought us to Universal Studios Florida this year. I had heard from and from several other sites that this is the not-to-be-missed attraction of 2000. I was able to convince Mom and Dad to come here because I knew that MIB:AA would be a good ride. I’m so glad that we came here to experience this ride. This ride quickly climbed up to one of my número uno rides at this park. It ties up there with E.T. ADVENTURE.
After we disembarked from MIB: AA the second time, we thought it was time to move on to BACK TO THE FUTURE: THE RIDE, which is a simulator. The story behind this ride is that Biff has stolen the DeLorean and traps Dr. Brown in his office. We were asked to board a newer, better DeLorean vehicle and go back in time to “bump” Biff back to the present. We were prepared to cross the space-time continuum to find Biff. When the ride started, we entered Hill Valley (the city where the movies take place) in the year 2015. After that, we entered the Ice Age, where glaciers were hazard to us. Next, we entered the Jurassic Era, where volcanoes spouted lava and a Tyrannosaurus Rex swallowed us. We finally “bumped” Biff and we went back to the present, where the ride ended.
I now know why I would never ride this ride more than one time. It’s very jerky, but not as jerky as BODY WARS. We rode in the back of the eight-person vehicle, so we bumped our heads on the roof several times. This used to be one of my favorite rides here, but it wasn’t even in the running for “first place” this year.
After recovering from BACK TO THE FUTURE, we made our way to the newly renovated E.T. ADVENTURE ride. The story behind this ride is that E.T.’s home world, the Green Planet, is dying and you need to get E.T. back there so he can “heal” it with his magical, healing touch. In the preshow, Steven Spielberg welcomed us and told us to help E.T. return to his home planet. After this, we had to get a “interplanetary passport” that would be our ticket to the Green Planet and would be scanned into the ride’s computer for the finale. In the queue area, Botanicus, E.T.’s teacher, comes to Earth and pleads for help.
We hopped aboard our starbound bike and “flew” to his planet. We dodged police and soared among the stars and across the moon. When we arrived at E.T.’s planet, all of his friends greeted us in song as E.T. “healed” the planet. E.T. thanked us personally for bringing him home. Remember the “passport”? Well, that’s how E.T. knew our names at the end of the ride.
For a long time, this ride has been my favorite ride at this park. Now, it’s tied with MIB: AA, but IT’S ALL GOOD! I still love this ride. It’s a slow ride, which I love. I also love the movie, and I think this ride is a continuation to the movie.
By the time we exited from E.T., it was almost time for the first showing of the ANIMAL ACTORS STAGE show. The set looked like ancient ruins with a small pond and a sandpit. Lassie, Babe, Beethoven, Mr. Ed., and other animal movie stars starred in this extravaganza. Some other animals that starred with the “big shots” were a baby chimp, an orangutan, birds, and a fake alligator. The orangutan is an excellent imitator and a smart aleck. It showed different techniques trainers use to get animals to do what they asked. This show used audience participation. A little boy and a man were asked to help with tricks.
This is my favorite attraction here at Universal Studios Florida. MY DEFINITION OF AN ATTRACTION IS ANYTHING THAT DOESN’T MOVE, LIKE A SHOW. I love animals and movies starring animals, so this seems logical enough. I don’t think any other attraction will surpass this one for a long time.
When the show ended, we continued our way to the GORY, GRUESOME, AND GROTESQUE HORROR MAKE UP show. Before we went inside the building, a woman came up to us and asked us if we wanted to participate in email surveys. since Dad said it was a great deal, I filled out an application for it because it helped Universal and we would earn incentives, which was cool. I never saw any surveys from Universal in any of my inboxes, so I don’t know if it’s true or not. Only time will tell, though.
After I completed the application, we went inside and waited for the show to open. To keep guests entertained, they had exhibits with several artifacts from horror films on display. Let me tell you something; some of the artifacts looked incredibly creepy. They also had TV monitors set up that were playing silent versions of horror films. We watched excerpts from Dracula, Wolf Man, and other famous horror flicks. Finally, the theater doors opened, and we were permitted to find our seats.
The GORY, GRUESOME, AND GROTESQUE HORROR MAKE UP show shared some of the secrets behind scary moments in horror movies. One of the secrets that the people shared was a gunshot to the head. “Chucky” the evil doll was used to demonstrate this illusion. In order to achieve this illusion, a balloon must be filled with fake blood and smokeless gunpowder. A detonator was then attached to the balloon, and the balloon was placed behind the dummy’s (or actor’s) head. When the gun fired, an electrical charge was sent to the detonator, which popped the balloon, sending blood everywhere. The evil mummy, Imhotep, from the movie, The Mummy, made a special appearance. Decapitations, transformations, and stab wounds were some of the other secrets that were shown. The transformation from the movie, the Fly, was a highlight of this show.
I thought this attraction was okay. I didn’t particularly care for the gun shot illusion. I loved the Fly transformation. I think that if I can control my fear of sudden loud noises even more than I have been doing, this attraction may become a favorite of mine.
Next, we went to the TERMINATOR 2: 3-D BATTLE ACROSS TIME attraction. This attraction is the first theme park experience to include 3-D cinematography, computer graphics, and live stunt work. We went inside of Cyberdyne Systems and discovered its newest technology, Skynet, the ultimate defense system. Kimberly, Cyberdyne’s representative, introduced us to the “Terminator” Series-70 autonomous infantry units, as they did some on-site target practice. John, Sarah, and the Terminator interrupted Kimberly and said that Skynet will destroy the human race within days of its boot up date, if it’s not stopped. The T-1000 tried to stop us from getting started on our mission to destroy Skynet, but we avoided it. We dodged plasma blasts, laser shooting vehicles, and sinister “terminators”, which tried to stop us from getting into Skynet. We finally made it into Skynet, but the T-1000000 prevented us from destroying the defense system. Nonetheless, the Terminator vaporized the T-1000000, and when he did, lots of cold fog came out and blinded us until the ending came up.
I loved this attraction. I have always been a fan of Terminator 2, and it’s one of my favorite movies. I loved the special effects and 3-D effects. I had to wear my 3-D glasses a weird way so that I could get them to work with my left eye. That was kinda annoying, but IT’S ALL GOOD!!  The stunt work was also impressive. I didn’t particularly care for the live action target practice at the beginning of the main show, though. Well, overall, this is one of my favorite attractions here.
For the next hour or so, we separated. I wanted to ride THE FUNTASTIC WORLD OF HANNA-BARBERA, but Mom and Dad didn’t want to, and that’s fine. They decided to wait for me at a restaurant that was in that same area, so it’s all good.
Anyway, HANNA-BARBERA is a simulator. In the preshow, cartoonists Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera showed the audience how they draw cartoon characters and vehicles. During this time, a cartoon sequence of Dick Dastardly capturing Elroy Jetson was featured. Apparently, Dick Dastardly was mad that he and Mutley were not going to be the next drawing projects. Yogi Bear and Boo-Boo decided to rescue him, and they invited the rest of the audience and me to come along. We boarded our cartoonish spacecraft and held on. We visited Bedrock and the Flintstones first. Then, we entered the spooky neighborhood of Scooby-Doo. Finally, we went into the futuristic world of the Jetsons where Rosie, the robot housekeeper, rescued Elroy. A large balloon that said, “The End” stopped our landing.
After I got out of THE FUNTASTIC WORLD OF HANNA-BARBERA, I went looking for Mom and Dad, who were waiting for me at a restaurant that had outside dining tables. They asked me how the ride was, and I told them that it was awesome. You know, I haven’t ridden it since 1994, so I didn’t remember much of it. I remembered that it was jerky, but I didn’t remember the storyline to it. I LOVED IT!! They gave me some money to get a drink, and then we went on our way.
After we regrouped, we went to the ALFRED HITCHCOCK: THE ART OF MAKING MOVIES attraction. At this attraction, we learned the cinematic tricks of the Master of Suspense. In the queue room, we saw a timeline on the wall that listed all the movies Alfred Hitchcock did during his career. Also in the queue room, a display was set up that had certain objects that were prevalent in his movies. We also picked up our 3-D glasses in this room. In the first theater, we watched a film that had scenes from every Hitchcock movie. The flat images gave way to 3-D images from the movies, Murder and The Birds. Next, we went into the “Psycho” Theater, where Anthony Perkins, who played Norman Bates in the 1960 version of Psycho, shared some secrets from the original Psycho. The blood was actually chocolate syrup, and the knife never touched the skin of the victim. The camera moved instead of the knife. Finally, we went into another part of the building, where we saw how the endings for the movies, Saboteur and Strangers on a Train, were created, and they used three volunteers to demonstrate the illusions.
We haven’t been to this attraction since 1992. This attraction changed a lot since we’ve seen it last. The Birds 3-D movie didn’t change, but they didn’t have the Murder clips with it before. It seemed a lot louder than it was 8 years ago. Oh well.  The Psycho demonstration changed a lot too. I could remember sitting in that theater and watching how they did the infamous Shower Scene from the movie. They don’t show it anymore, but IT’S ALL GOOD!!  Plus, we never saw how they did the endings for Saboteur and Stangers on a Train before, so that was a new experience as well. I thought this attraction was okay, but I would like to see it again and maybe it’ll be upgraded to a favorite again. You’d never know…
Then, we made our way to the TWISTER…RIDE IT OUT attraction. TWISTER is one of the newest attractions here; it opened in 1998. In the queue area, we saw the vehicles (Barn Burner bus, station wagon, and the Doppler van), the “Welcome to Wakita” sign, a model of a cow, and other props that were used in the movie, Twister. Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt hosted the preshows. In the first preshow, scenes from the movie were featured. It also talked about the F-5 tornado, which is also known as the “Finger of God” because few people have come face to face with one and lived to tell about it. In the second preshow, they described Wakita before and after a tornado tore up the town in 1990. They also told how they made the movie.
The set consisted of the drive-in theater/sign/snack bar, the utility station with gas pumps, power lines, truck and field. When the attraction started, the movie was playing and a simulated F-5 tornado started in the distance. As it progressed, wind (fans), lightning (strobe lights), and rain (approximately a couple gallons of water on top of each row of audience) started to occur. The movie sign fell into the utility station, gas pumps exploded, a cow “flew”, the truck moved, and the power lines sparked. The porch shuttered as the twister “jumped” us. That concluded our experience.
By the time it ended, I was whimpering and holding onto the railing. This was a major change from 1998’s reaction. Back in 1998, when the attraction was over, I was clinging to Mom and crying. Also, I couldn’t really walk; I was shaking so hard. I looked away several times, but I watched the majority of the action. This was a great improvement since 1998. Back in 1998, I didn’t watch the action at all because I was clinging onto Mom and shielding my face from the action. I wore my headphones to lessen the sound, but it didn’t work as well as I wanted it to. I think this attraction may become one of my favorites if I can just get used to storms. I hope this attraction will become one of my favorites because it’s a good attraction, and I want to enjoy it fully.
I didn’t like TWISTER at all because I don’t like storms. It touched too close to home. On the last day of fourth grade, a series of microbursts went through Union, and I was terrified. The sky turned dark blue-green and we were instructed to go downstairs to where the gym was. Rumor had it that a tornado touched down atop of Ryle, where I go now, and I truly thought it would come to New Haven. The teachers heard the freight train sound (I guess it was from the tornado that supposedly hit Ryle’s Gymnasium). It happened twice that day. Mom, John, and I saw the damage it caused when we picked Steven up from Ockerman later that day. Trees were uprooted, transformers were broken, and other damage was reported that we didn’t see. The power was out until 8:00 p.m. It was a scary thing to go through, but I made it out okay.
After exiting TWISTER…RIDE IT OUT, Mom and I hung around the souvenir shop, while Dad waited for us outside. I wanted to buy a TWISTER tee shirt and a postcard to remind me of this experience. I think Mom bought something, too, but I’m not sure.
Next, we rode KONGFRONTATION. KONGFRONTATION is a ride where we came face to face with the most popular primate in movie history, King Kong. The movie, King Kong, took place in Manhattan, New York, so the sound stage actually looked like New York with all the graffiti and building facades. It also smelled like a subway or something.
The story behind the ride is that King Kong is on the loose and he’s blocked all the roads out of Manhattan, so you can’t get out. Fortunately, the aerial tram is still working. The only thing is that it is the last one out of the city. Every turn you make, King Kong is there to wreak havoc on you.
We boarded our aerial tram and prepared to face Kong’s fury. As we turned the first corner, a silhouette of Kong roaring sent chills down our spines. Explosions soon followed. As we turned the next corner, a 32-foot tall, 8,000-pound “bridge” Kong was staring at us. Our tram stopped in front of him, which was a bad place because before we knew it, he “snapped” the cord connecting to the tram, and sent us on a simulated free fall. He had to let go of the cord because the police helicopter hovering overhead sidetracked his attention. As we turned the next corner, a 32-foot tall, 13,000-pound “street” Kong was waiting for us. His rampage turned the area around our tram into an inferno. Our tram was safe at last when we turned the last corner. At the end of the ride, a news bulletin came up on the tram’s TV monitor that showed us how we escaped King Kong and got to safety.
KONGFRONTATION is another one of my favorite rides. I had always liked it, and it’s still as good as it was in 1992, 1994, and 1998. KONGFRONTATION is my número tres choice for favorite ride at Universal Studios.
We continued our way to JAWS. We skipped EARTHQUAKE: THE BIG ONE because that’s the one ride here at Universal that I would not ride again. I hate natural disasters, like earthquakes. The first–and last–time I rode this ride was in 1992 during our summer vacation. I remembered everything that went on. I could not even walk by the time the ride was over because my legs were trembling that badly. Dad, Steven, and John went to the WILD, WILD, WILD WEST STUNTS show. Mom and I sat on a bench near the lagoon, where I regained my balance and settled down. I remembered this two years later and stayed away from this ride. I still remember that now. That’s why we skipped it and went on to JAWS.
JAWS is a ride based on the 1975 film, Jaws, directed by Steven Spielberg. The ride is set up in a 5 million gallon, 7 acre lagoon. Visitors can board one of many boats and take a seemingly peaceful cruise around the town of Amity, where the movie takes place.
Before we boarded our boat, I asked Dad if he’d mind switching spots with me. I was originally on the left side, but I wanted to be on the right side because that’s the side Jaws attacked from last time. He took my word for it and switched me sides. We were in for a huge surprise at the end of the ride. Things weren’t always what they used to be…
As we left on our cruise, we thought we were safe. We saw a wrecked boat right as we turned the first corner. At that moment, we realized that we were not safe on the boat. A giant 32-foot great white shark was stalking us. It trapped us in a boathouse and wreaked havoc on our boat (things falling, explosions, attacking, etc.). Once it left, we were safe to leave the boathouse and make our way to the dock. Uh oh. He’s coming back. This time, he trapped us near an oilrig. Our guide shot a grenade launcher at it, but she shot the oil rig instead. It exploded and a huge circle of flames surrounded us. It gets very hot. As we progressed, we thought we were out of the woods. Not even close… As we attempted to go to the dock, JAWS attacked the boat on Dad’s side. Argh!!! I hate it when they change the rides every year. Our tour guide shot it three or four times with a grenade launcher, and it disappeared. We made our way to the dock, hoping to see the last of the shark. We were wrong. When we turned the corner, it popped up all bloody and apparently dead. When it popped up, it sprayed out a fishy smell. Then, it went back down. Now, we were free to go to the dock. Our journey was done.
This was one of my favorite rides also. I liked the Jaws movies (I have not seen the second Jaws yet). When the shark attacked the boat, Dad was on the side it attacked from. He was also sprayed with the fishy smell. Needless to say, he was a little upset with me because he thought I had planned it so he was the one who would be attacked and soaked, not me. I told him that I had not known about the change. LOL!!!  You’d never know when a ride will change formats on you! This ride was under a small rehab during the fall of 1999, so they may have changed it then.
After departing from the ride, I asked Mom and Dad if I could get a few pictures of the shark statue that was hanging at the entrance, so we went back to the entrance. Dad took two pictures of me. The first picture was of me trying to boost myself inside the mouth opening, but it didn’t turn out that well. I ended up brushing my back against the shark’s bottom teeth, so I had a real weird look on my face. BOY THAT HURT!! I was also looking at my watch, so that shot didn’t look good. The second picture was of me “pulling out” the shark’s tooth, and it looked so realistic.
We continued our way back to the BEETLEJUICE’S ROCK ‘N’ ROLL GRAVEYARD REVUE musical. Before the show, it started to thunder and sprinkle rain. It didn’t matter because the stage where this show takes place is covered, so IT’S ALL GOOD!! Before the show began, Mom and I bought pretzels and soft drinks for all three of us.
Anyway, the BEETLEJUICE’S ROCK ‘N’ ROLL GRAVEYARD REVUE show stars Beetlejuice, Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, Phantom of the Opera, Dracula, and the Wolf Man. The set looks like an old castle, and the towers turn into speakers and lights. It starts out all ordinary and dull, but it turns into all glitter and glam. Beetlejuice and the rest of the cast members told jokes throughout the show. The songs that were sung include Great Balls of Fire, When a Man Loves a Woman, Your Love has Lifted Me Higher, Shake Senora, and other tunes. There were fire effects during Great Balls of Fire, which came out of Phantom’s organ and tubes at the front of the stage. Pyrotechnics were also shot off throughout the show. My favorites were the spinners during Shake Senora.
I thought BEETLEJUICE’S ROCK ‘N’ ROLL GRAVEYARD REVUE was okay. I loved the music, but the pyrotechnics were a little louder than I had anticipated. I am trying my hardest to overcome my fear of fireworks, but it’s not as easy as you may think. It takes a lot of courage to overcome a fear that you have had for so many years. Only time will tell if I am truly over my fear, though, but I’m hoping I’m over it.
After the show, we decided to separate. Dad and I went to MIB: AA, while Mom went to the entrance to the park and waited for us at the same restaurant she and Dad waited at while I was on HANNA-BARBERA. As Dad and I were walking to MIB: AA, we saw that the WILD, WILD, WILD WEST STUNTS show was just ending, I guess. We saw one of the explosions from the path that we were walking on.
When we arrived at the queue area, we saw that the wait time for the ride was about 90 minutes. We had to walk through a series of “Mouse Mazes” as termed at the Disney parks. Once we got in the enclosure, though, the wait time didn’t seem that long. We went through the different queue rooms and finally, we made it to the loading docks.
Again, we were on the same track that we went on the last two times. I have no idea how to get onto the other track, but IT’S ALL GOOD!! We sat in the front again with a “single rider.” I ended up with the Noisy Cricket, while Dad had an Alienator. I still received a score in the 20,000’s, but IT’S ALL GOOD!! The important part was that we all had fun while riding it, so the scores didn’t matter.
I LOVE THIS RIDE!!! If we had stayed longer at Universal Studios Florida, this would be the only ride that I would ride because it’s so fun. If I return to Universal sometime, I would probably ride this ride a million times. No, I would ride it at least 4 times; it’s that fun. I would like to know how I could get onto the second track (the one we didn’t go on this time), and I would love to get a score higher than in the 20,000’s next time. Well, since I already pointed out that the scores didn’t matter, I guess I shouldn’t really worry about them next time. This is definitely the best ride Universal has come up with, except for the Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man ride located at Islands of Adventure, so far.
After Dad and I exited from MEN IN BLACK: ALIEN ATTACK, we went looking for Mom. She was waiting for us at the same restaurant she and Dad was at when I was on FUNTASTIC WORLD OF HANNA-BARBERA. After I received permission from Mom and Dad, I went souvenir shopping. I bought postcards for my people and a souvenir spoon for me. After regrouping, Mom told us that she wanted to go to the Hard Rock Café to do the last of her souvenir shopping for the day. After we figured out where the Café was, we walked past the NICKELODEON STUDIOS building and out of the park. Mom bought John, Elizabeth, Steven, and me a Hard Rock Café shirt, and bought a Café bear for Elizabeth and us. After completing her shopping, we continued our way to the car.
Walking past Hard Rock Café, I asked Mom and Dad if I could get pictures of the Universal globe and entrance archway. We stopped in front of the entrance of Universal Studios Florida, and I got my pictures. As we continued through CityWalk, I told myself that I wanted a photo of Islands of Adventure from the distance. Because we were already at an awkward angle to get the photo, I asked Mom and Dad if I could take a short walk to Margaritaville to get it. They allowed me to walk over to Margaritaville to get the photo, just as long as I come back at a reasonable time (about five to ten minutes). After I snapped the photo I wanted, I walked back to the place where Mom and Dad were. Since no one had ever taken a close up picture of Mom and Dad together on vacation, I decided to be the first person to do it. 
After we regrouped, we continued on our way to our car. We noticed that the “Bad Boys of CityWalk” show was happening in one of the plazas in Universal CityWalk, but we didn’t stop because it was stupid. It couldn’t possibly get any better than what we saw last year!!! We also saw air sock puppets dancing in the wind above an archway. We didn’t stop walking until we reached our car. After getting into the car, we drove to the nearest Burger King and got dinner. Then, we went to the hotel and ate dinner. We chilled and watched TV until it was time to go to bed.


Also an Universal Studios and Disney fan!!!

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