My priceline stay at the Hyatt Orlando


DIS Veteran
Aug 18, 1999
Chells asked me how the Hyatt went in another post, so I thought I would post it here for anyone who is curious.

Firstly - costs: I bid $40 per night plus ten dollars bonus money for nine nights stay at the Hyatt Orlando. I also got the Sheraton Suites near the airport for $50 plus tax but, unfortunately, our flight was delayed so we were stuck in Washington for the night.

I thought the Hyatt was an ok hotel. I requested a pool view and a room with a bath tub and I got both those. Also, you could park right outside your room, which was a big plus. The rooms were ok and quite large (seemed larger than at the Disney moderate resorts). It was also very clean and tidy. There wasn't lots to do at the hotel and it struck me as more of a convention place. We ate in the restaurant for breakfast one morning and it was very nice. The food court and the shop seemed very pricey though.

I was surprised at how convenient the hotel was for Walt Disney World - only about ten minutes to MGM, Epcot and AK.

Maid service was inconsistent. One day I left a larger tip than usual as I had no change. The next day, I hadn't any cash, so I thought if I gave a bit extra the next day it would make up for it. The difference was quite amazing. Our room was nowhere near as tidy that evening.

Our biggest complaint was that the room was freezing cold - so cold that you felt cold in bed when you woke up - even with blankets on. The heater took ages to heat up and it was too noisy to have on when we were sleeping.

I thought it was an ok hotel but, I wouldn't have been happy if I had paid full price. It was not as nice as staying in a Disney resort. I didn't mind it though and I thought my husband didn't, until we bought DVC and he insisted on spending our last 3 nights at OKW. We didn't get a refund for those three nights from the Hyatt, which I expected anyway but, I wished I could have passed on the room to someone else.

cinds xxx Co-Moderator Resorts Board
Cinderella's Home Page

I am also staying here in May for 8 nights. Another Priceline bid ($42/night + $10 FreeBonus). Did you happen to check out the pool or hot tub? Or was it too cold during your stay? I wouldn't think that the heater situation should affect me, assuming that the air conditioner works. Again, thanks for the information. I do like the location. My wife and I stayed at The Radisson Resort Parkway 2 years ago, and I believe that the Hyatt is right next to the Radisson. Did you sign up for the "Gold Passport"? I have. I was just wondering if there was any benefit. But if it is a convention hotel as you say, there may be no benefits to have.


05/99 off-site Radisson Resort Parkway
05/01 off-site Hyatt Orlando
Hi, It was too cold to swim but, we briefly risked the hot-tub. It was ok but, had a wooden fence round it which I didn't like - it obstructed our view. There were also alot of ants round the hot-tub but, that is not particularly unusual in Florida. There is a pool and tub in each courtyard.

Yes we joined the Gold Passport first, then a few days before our arrival faxed our requests. If you want a bath tub do request one, as they only have them in 5% of their rooms.

When we checked out it said on our receipt that our points for our entire stay at been credited to the Gold Passport, which surprised me, as I didn't expect to get the points on a priceline deal.

What did annoy me, was the fact that when my husband told them that we were checking out 3 nights early, they said that they would allow us a late check out of 2 pm. I thought that was a bit of a cheek considering that we were actually paying for the room for the following three nights.

On the other hand, when we arrived at about 1pm to leave our luggage, our room was ready and they let us check in.

cinds xxx Co-Moderator Resorts Board
Cinderella's Home Page



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