My New Logo! and Parkhoppers Pin Party!


Princess Extraordinaire
Oct 18, 2000
A HUGE thank you to Michael for my really COOL princess logo! Here is its debut! Also, I am definitely planning on being at the Pin Party this weekend!! I am trying to arrange carpooling now so I wont have to drive alone (for some reason I cant convince DH to go with me--go figure...) !! On the pin front I was able to coordinate a trade for both the gold and sliver princess crowns so I am doing the happy pin dance. On top of it all DH just booked us on a trip to WDW for Memorial Day weekend--our first trip using our new DVC membership!! I am really excited! (I am just bummed there will be no Star Wars weekends this year--boohoo!) --now if I could only find time to actually get some WORK done!! LOL!

Great Logo!

You have to convince Jeff to come down. Steve will need a buddy to hang out with. He's not too hip on coming again (since he feels a bit left out) and it would be perfect if Jeff would come!

Can't wait to see all of you. As long as things are the same here with my Grandma, I'll be there.

Sue Ellen


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