My husband got me a Miss Daisy figurine


<font color=teal>Moderator<br><font color=red>Hono
Feb 15, 2000
I was so surprised. He ordered it when mother was hospitalized. Miss Daisy isn't all that easy to find :(

She is wearing the combs like the Miss Daisy in my signature but her dress is all white. She's beautiful though, I just love her.

He just wanted to make me smile and he did. Now I remember why I married him in the first place, he is such a kind, caring, thoughtful and generous man.

I'm smiling :)
:D That is the sweetest thing I've heard in a long time! You are lucky to have such a wonderful hubby! :D :D
Aww, what a thoughtful hubby you have. Enjoy Miss Daisy, she sounds beautiful.
That was so sweet of your DH to do that for you, Kath! Miss Daisy sounds beautiful :)
Every now and again, they do something that truely comes from the heart.

How lucky you are to be married to a man like that.
Oh Kath, how sweet!! What a wonderful DH you have!!
You both are a match made in heaven since you are a kind, caring, thoughtful and generous person yourself!! :):)

Sounds like a really nice guy.

Now I know that nice guys don't finish last...They marry a DISer;)

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