My all time favorite Seafood Casserole.......posted on old board last year


Dec 28, 1999
Seafood Casserole.....This is so good to make and people will think you went all

one pound of bay scallops,
1/2 pound sea legs......
1/2 pound shrimp........
two cans of cream of shrimp soup....
1/2 cup of butter..or margarine.
1 tsp.....grated onion...
1 tsp.....worcheshire sauce
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder...or less
2 1/2 cups of ritz crackers.....smashed...
Mix soup with the seafood....Then in the butter, onion, sauce, powder and
crackers...mix that together and put over the seafood.....
13x9 greased pan.....375° for 30 minutes.......
what a dish..
Pumba not to sound a little dense but what are sea legs?!?!?!? It sounds very good and would like to try it.
meat........they also go by the word sea legs......most are a type of fish that is made to look like crab legs........I usually use this in this recipe........and also in my seafood chowder..........I hope you try this recipe.......because it is so good and rich.......:pinkbounc
Ohh Pumba,

This sounds wondeful! Wonder if I can get DH to try it? HEHE. DD would love it - you should see her attack a lobster!!

ME, me!!! I'm going to try it next week when I have out of town company....can I freeze this casserole??????

Thanks Pumba!:D
them........hey .....why not try and see what happens......this is really rich......almost like a cheesecake richness......I have made this quite a few times....and got raves ........hope you all enjoy it too


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