My 5 year old loves Spiderman


Earning My Ears
Jan 18, 2001
Are there any character meals or rides which involve spiderman (for 5 year olds).
He always wears his psiderman costume. should we bring it or are there nice ones to buy there.

thanks for your comments
We had the character lunch at Confiscos in IOA and Spidey was one of the many characters there. We got some great photos. My 5 year old nephew is also a super Spidey fan, but he wasn't with us. We made a sign on a napkin with lipstick that said "Hi James" and got a photo of Spidey holding the sign up. We also saw him several times walking around Hero Island and taking photos with people. We got some great photos with him on the street. If I knew how to post them in this message I would...

There is a gift shop next to the Spiderman ride that is devoted to all things Spidey. I'm sure I remember seeing some costumes there. I know we got t-shirts. I got a large Spiderman thermal mug that I use every day.

Have fun.
Where can I get more info on Confiscos??

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<font color="blue">first family vacation--WDW--July 2001</font>
This past week-end Spidey made an appearance in the Spiderman Q-line. It was hilarious how people reacted when he caught them off guard!
Captain America is around a lot in the streets also.
The character meets in Marvel Island are usually 12:45, 2:45, 3:45 & 4:45.
we saw him at least 5 times the day we were there. He was near his ride each time. He was Excellent, very good with the kids, even struck his spidey pose on the car so we could take his picture with the kids.
The Spiderman ride at IOA is awesome. I'm not sure if there are height restrictions. It isn't a turbulent ride but the 3D imagery is really fantastic. A word of caution though, my daughter is 15 and actually got motion sickness from the ride (it is very realistic). She rode the Hulk and Duel Dragons coasters with no problem but Spiderman made her sick ! There is a shop with lots of Spiderman merchandise, the ride empties into it. Marvel super heroes is a "land" at IOA and they have a little parade that involves many of the characters. Very nice!


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