Must you do Kilimanjaro ride in a.m.?


Earning My Ears
Mar 6, 2001
I've read several Disneyworld books and hundreds of bulletin boards like this, but I get conflicting reports on this question: Is it best to ride the Kilimanjaro ride in Animal Kingdom first thing in the mornign ro does it really matter when you go? When are you most likely to see the most animals? Thanks in advance to all. :)
Most animals are more active in the morning. However, when we went this past Christmas, we didn't get to the parks until about noon. We went on the safari right after eating lunch. We saw the animals, but they weren't very active. Our driver did point out that some of the animals we saw are active at night. It just depends on the species.

If you can't make it early in the morning, try going around dusk.

BTW, we were at AK on Christmas day & only waited 20 minutes for the safari.


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