Mr. Mom goes to Disney


Earning My Ears
Apr 29, 2001
Any advice for a Dad taking two girls 6 & 10 to Disney. Mom has to work, so Dad will be hopping off to one day at Disney, another at US.

I know there is "parent swapping", but what does a parent with two girls, one who wants to ride Splash Mountain and Space Mountain, (with Dad of course), and the other is a bit too young?

Any help is appreciated.

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you will have a problem on those two rides. I think space mtn is 45in in height and splash mtn is 42in I think.... my son can ride it and he is 4. I think you will be suprised how easy it will be with the two! Enjoy your trip!
You don't say why the 6 yo won't ride splash or space, but for reference my 5 yo daughter loves both.

I went down with 4 of my girls a few weeks ago while my wife stayed home with the baby (a boy!). We missed mom but had a great time. We all love the coasters so that makes it easy.

The only exception is RnR which I will not let the 5 yo on yet. With so many of us baby swap worked out great.


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