Mother's Day

I Need Magic

<font color=deeppink>The magic of Disney was with
Dec 29, 2002
Hi Everyone! This is my first time posting. I am in the early planning stages for a long awaited trip. The dates I have in mind are May 3 - 11, give or take a day or two. I was wondering if anyone knows of any special activities anywhere in WDW for Mother's Day. I was thinking of a breakfast/brunch and then heading home on that high note. Any ideas?
I don't know of any official Mother's Day activity or event at WDW. The only "official" event that I know for this time of year is the Epcot Flower and Garden Festival.
I know that the GF has a nice tea that might be a good idea for mother's day. It is a year round event but would be extra special for mother's day.We have not yet done this so i don't have the details but I am sure someone does.

jordan's mom
Last year Epcot offered the Food Among The Flowers Brunch on Mother's Day weekend only.

I've never been to the brunch and don't know anything about it. It cost about $30 for adults. I've done the Grand Floridian tea and liked it. I think it cost around $20 or so.

If you want to do either of these on Mothers Day, reserve them as soon as possible because they'll probably be popular.
The EPCOT brunch sounds interesting. The tea in the GF sounds nice if I were taking my mother, but this is my two sons, ages 8 & 13, who will be "treating" me.

I'd love to hear more about it if anyone has any information or knows where I can check further.

Thanks for your posts!


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