Monsters, Inc. stuff on sale at TDS


DIS Veteran
Aug 18, 1999
All of the monster stuff (except Boo and I forgot--something else) is on sale for 25 - 50% off. I got lots of Monster candy for stocking stuffers and some other stuff.
Thanks for the update. I'll have to stop in before I go to work tonight. My DD LOVES monsters!!!!
Lots of stuff on sale. The Princess, Monsters - seemed like everything was on sale but I'm sure there are a few things excluded.

Have fun!
Yeah, saw this sale last night. They're marking down the over priced monsters stuff.

I was by our mall today too and noticed the sale. Lots and lots of stuff and I was suprised to see the Monsters stuff already marked down so much.

Everything is overpriced at Disney I think, but then again you don't see me stopping do you? :)
We'll check it out today. I agree that some items were a little high. Thanks so much for telling us this.
Bought a Boo tshirt for my dd for $5, Sully slippers for $7.50 and a Sully outfit for $11. Not too shabby!

Now my only question is do I give them to her for xmas (she's already got TONS) or do I save it for her birthday in the beginning of March????
I got the slippers, too, and two gift sets of figures. Just want to say they have all sorts of stuff on sale, including Buzz Lightyear and an adorable Peter Pan costume.

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