Moms: Have you taken your smaller child/children alone?


<font color=deeppink>Damn you, you wretched clown!
Jul 29, 2000
I am taking my 3 1/2 year old daughter to Disney in May all by my lonesome. I think we will have a lot of fun together but I also know there will be some challenges we don't have when dad is with us. Have any of you taken smaller children alone & lived to tell about it? Do you have any tips? Any help would be appreciated. =)

<img src="" height="143" width="114"></p>

<font face="verdana, arial" size="1"><font color="#FF00FF"><strong>MoseysMom :D</strong></font></p>

<font face="verdana, arial" size="1">"They call it "PMS" because "Mad Cow Disease" was already taken" <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"></font></p>
Hi there,
I did it and here I am-still
My daughter was 3.5 at the time. Really, it was great. We had a wonderful time together. We took it very easy. On this particular trip, we only went to Magic Kingdom and Sea World. It was February so a trip to the beach was a must! Also, just for the fun of it I rented a convertible. We bought matching hats prior to the trip just for riding in the convertible. She really got a kick out of it. We had a blast. I recall we spent alot of time around the resort enjoying the pool. Downtown disney was also a big hit with us. We ate there every night and just walked around soaking up the atmosphere.

My daughter is going to be six in a few weeks and she still talks about our trip together. She also will ask when will "us girls" go away again. She is graduating from kindergarten this June and as a surprise we will be going directly to the airport. You guessed it--a trip to WDW.

We made some great memories. I don't think you will regret it. Don't forget--take it easy and you will be fine.
Yes! I took my son several times around that age. It is great! :D
Sorry I don't have any tips, but I will be doing the same thing in June with my 4.5yo DS. It seems from reading the boards that a lot of moms, grandmothers, and aunts do it without much trouble. So I know we'll be fine. Wish you luck and have a good time. Please post a report when you return with some tips for me.
When my son was 4 in 1996 we took a week trip through New Hampshire in June. It was alot of fun and great memories. That Oct my husband had just gotten home from the hospital right before our Disney trip. My son and I spent 2 of the days just the 2 of us at different parks while husband stayed in hotel room and rested. This year we are returning to Disney but husband and MIL are driving down before son and I so we will be flying without Dad.
We had the best trip in February!

My advice is to take it easy and go totally at her pace. My dd's not a morning kid, so we got up hung out in the room playing barbie til noonish. Then went to the parks til around 9. It was absolutely the best bonding time we've ever had, and as a single mom, it's usually just the two of us no matter what we do. We had a great time when we travelled with others, but that trip was so special to me.
I haven't done it myself, but have been reading great trip reports posted the last couple of days by Tuffcookie. She is camping with her son. You may enjoy reading them...they are really great! :)
I have made several trips with my kids/or just the little guy without my DH as he had to work... always had a great time :) Disney is the one spot I'm very comfortable traveling without my DH.

Go for it :)



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