Moderate Resort Discount


DIS Veteran
May 30, 2000
FYI! Hope some of you can use this discount.

The Sun Sentinel, advertised Moderate Resorts at 99 per night +tax. Available now thru 04/11/2001 but based on availability.

Good Luck!! Wish I could use it :(
Was there a code involved? Is it for Florida residents only?

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The CRO said originally it was a FL resident special but they are giving it out if there are rooms. No code involved just have to mention that it was advertised in the newspaper. Good Luck!!!
Hi! Was it only for moderates? Or could you use it for All Stars?
Just called CRO and was told that this moderate offer was for FL, IN, LA, OH residents only.
Thanks catheren and kcp for posting this information! :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>
I know I can't use this discount, since I'm a NY resident. But, I get a great CM on the phone, and SHE brings up this discount. So regardless, I can't use it (even if it were still available for my resort choice). So, I ask her, just out of curiosity, since I haven't had any luck finding an AP or any other discount for President's week for value resorts, what the All Star rate was. It was $69/night! Large difference from the 116.50 w/tax I'll be paying. Should this be encouraging to me, that maybe I'll get a discount offered to NY visitors? Or should I just move to one of the other 4 states who can get a discount? (Oh, I feel better now!)


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