Misty Mates


DIS Veteran
Nov 22, 1999
For those of you who were waiting for stores to put out the Misty Mates (not the fans, but the pressurized misting hoses you wear on your waists), I saw them at Sam's Club today. They come 2 in a package for $24.99.
Cost $18.00 in any of the WDW Parks,so think ahead on this one. Cuz it will hurt if you have to part with that much when you could have gotten one for $6.00 at any store in Orlando!! <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">

We'll be bringing our Misty Mates too. Used them many times, & much better than the ones with the fans... no batteries needed!
We leave the 17th and will be in Orlando until the 28th. Will we want a Misty Mate?


First trip: July, 1983
Second trip: April 17-20, Dixie Landings
April 20-28: Orange Lake COuntry Club
You can get them for a whole lot less on ebay. I got mine for $5 each.

-- Robin
Tink2dw - this is not the bottle with the fan on it, it is the pressurized bottle that has the hose with the nozzle. You wear it around your waist. I have the fan. It works good, but you have to carry it on your shoulder and it is bulky. This is no more bulky than a water bottle.
They sell the Misty Mate on QVC also. The model that QVC carries I believe is called the "Cool Zone". This is the 24oz Misty Mate. The make and package this one model just for QVC. I called them and can order it cheaper through QVC than I can directly from the manufacturer. How does that work? Oh well, one of lifes little mysteries.
I was interested in this after reading the posts & tried to check at QVC. It's called a Cool Blast. The item number is M5653. It's only $18.77 plus S&H.

These work pretty well? I never saw one before. We always just used a tiny (6") battery operated fan that has a small spray/mist bottle attached. Sometimes it gets annoying having to get them out & put them back when getting in & out of rides.

Would someone explain how this works/where you wear it - the hose part/etc, etc?

I saw on another post BJ's mentioned. Did you see the misty mates at Sam's Club or BJ's? If at Sam's Club in what area of the store did you find them? Thanks in advance :)
Debbie, no I saw them at BJ's. I looked at Sam's and they did not have any.

Someone asked how you wear the Misty Mates. It comes with a webbed belt (like on a fanny pack) attached to it. You wear it around your waist. It has a hose that goes from the pack. The hose has a nozzle on it. You can either hold the hose or there is a clip so that you can clip it to your shirt, hat, etc. There is a little shut off that you turn when you need a cool mist of water. We tried ours when we got home from the store. They worked good. I can't wait to try them in the heat at WDW. It says on the package that it will lower the temperature around you by 30 degrees!
Yes,yes yes!! I left Orlando Apr.7,2001 the heat was verrrrry opressive!! and the humidity was very very high!! It was already reaching the Mid 80's when we left and they were predicting Higher Temps!!!

So, anything the makes you cooler take with you!! and don't forget SUNSCREEN!! we saw sunburns galore,just because people forgot!!!

And hats everyone one needs a good HAT!! especailly the toddlers and younger set!!

When we went last July, I was determined to get a good price on the misty mate which I never did and consequently, ran out of time to buy one. We were at WDW in July and maybe because I live in the Houston area (although I'm not outdoors a lot in the summer)-it didn't seem that hot. When we did get hot, we hit an indoor attraction or food court. Personally, I think that carrying around the misty mate would be more trouble and make a person even more tired, but that's my own opinion. Enjoy the trip whatever you choose.
Just bought one at Walmart or Kmart...can't remember which one but I think walmart. IT was in the area of fans. Saw it, bought it and never had heard of them. Glad I did now. It cost 15.99. They also had breeze mist things that were 7.99 for big ones and 5.99 for personal ones. With three kids that will want own or fight.. got a mist and made DH official MISTER! :D Can't wait to try it out... was going to open mine but mow will wait til hotel to open since others are saying they work so well.
For all those interested, I just bought a misty mate at Eckerd. The 24 oz size is on sale this week (ends tomorrow, Sat. ) for $16.99. I brought it home and filled it up and went for a walk. It works great! I think it will be well worth the investment for surviving the June heat. I hope this helps someone :)


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