Military Discounts???

Rafiki Rafiki Rafiki

<font color=peach>I took matters into my own hands
Mar 9, 2000
We're going to WDW the week of President's Day and are wondering if anyone has heard of any special deals on off-site hotels, condos, or the like for military.

Can anyone help?
We will be there the same week and my husband is in the National Guard and was activated at 11am on Sept. 11. We got a rate thru Disney of $49/night at the All Stars. Disney is also giving a free 7 day pass to the military member and the option of purchasing 5 additional tickets at 1/2 price. The whole week for our family including passes is costing $640!!! We weren't planning to go this year, but how could we pass that up??? I'll try to find the phone number (you'll be on hold for at least 20 minutes, but it's worth it!)

If not, call Shades of Green and get an overflow rate at an area hotel. We have used this option in the past and gotten great deals at WL, CS, CBR as well as some offers for off site hotels! email me with an other questions
We're going to WDW the week of President's Day and are wondering if anyone has heard of any special deals on off-site hotels, condos, or the like for military.

Well, first of all, I agree with Buffi, check and see about Disney hotels for cheap first. :) We are going Spring Break, and I called the day that phone line was set up, and were still only offered mods. and up. We are staying at CBR at 93.24/night, including tax. However, since the free passes are only good for 7 days, that rate is only good for 6 nights. We are spending the next 3 nights at an off-site Universal hotel (Universal Fairfield Marriot) for $191 (including tax) for 3 nights. This includes complimentary breakfast each morning, and one CityWalk meal/or water park tickets for the four of us. We plan to eat our meal at HRC, and after subtracting the cost of the meal, that makes it seem pretty darn cheap. :) This package was booked through Universal, under their Heroes Salute deal. I really would like to stay onsite at Universal, for the "magic room keys", but since we will be staying there Easter weekend, the rates I've come across are atrocious. :( As far as overflow rooms at the SOG, I checked into that and they aren't as good as the Armed Forces salute rates for the week we are going ($89 All stars, $109 mods, didn't ask about deluxes). Staying at SOG is pretty much out of the question unless you book a year in advance. Our SOG rate would be $89, so $93.24 for the mods is comparable, even though we're a lot farther from the MK. Hope this helps some, and no matter where you stay I'm sure you'll have a great time. :earsgirl:
I would definitely try out the mods, I got a rate of $84 plus tax/night at CSR. We were going to stay off-site for the other two nights, but I got a good deal at CSR, so we are staying there for 8 nights instead of 6.

You might want to look at HIFS also, they have a deal going on their suites. A KidSuite is $149/night plus tax, but you get $100 in Holiday Inn dollars to spend anywhere at HIFS - restaurants, arcade, etc. You might want to check that out.

Good luck!
We were going to stay off-site for the other two nights, but I got a good deal at CSR, so we are staying there for 8 nights instead of 6.

Now I know I read somewhere that the military rate was only good for 6 nights. Are you using the military rate for those 8 nights? (It's too late to change my ressies anyway, but I'm just wondering)
WDW has a military resort called the Shades of Green. Depending on the rank, depends on the price of the room. However, I must say, I did not find it attractive place to stay.
WDW has a military resort called the Shades of Green. Depending on the rank, depends on the price of the room. However, I must say, I did not find it attractive place to stay.

Really? Can you tell me more about it? At $89 a night, it's even cheaper than the All-Stars during peak time, so after this trip, that's probably where we'll stay. Is it worth it to pay more for the AS's? From what I've read/heard, it's a nice hotel, but just doesn't have the Disney feel to it. Maybe they'll improve that when they expand.
Thanks, guys.

I'm not overly impressed with SOG either. Especially when it's nearly $100 per night.

The military deal for Beach Club is $169/night; the Polynesian is $179/night; and the Fort Wilderness Cabins are $139/night.
Personally, I loved SoG, because the rooms were so much bigger than mods, and because of it's proximity to the MK. But, it wasn't available for this trip (short notice), so we are going to CSR.

To add to the room prices above on the Military Salute, mods are $84/night and All-Stars are $49/night, plus tax on all rooms. Hard to beat those deals!
We went to the MK when my brother was home on leave. He got his free 7 day pass. As his family we were eligible for 50% off our tickets. However you could NOT get this 50% off any off the FL resident tickets like the Play 4 or the yearly pass.
Radisson Resorts Parkway is also offering military rate of $59 (I think...) through the end of April. If you're interested in SOG, don't assume you won't be able to get in. They've had a lot of cancellations due to deployments. We called 30 days before our trip and was able to get a poolside room right away, then they called the next day to say a standard room had become available as well. We just returned yesterday, and the hotel did not seem full...

Also, as a side note, when we went to Universal we were prepared to purchase half-price one day, one park tickets (with the free longer pass for my hubby). When we got there, the gentleman said that they also had one day, two park tickets available to military families for $10 more (I had never seen these advertised before). I didn't think we'd be able to do IOA and Universal in one day, but the parks were so dead that we finished IOA by lunchtime, had a leisurely meal at Margaritaville, then still had almost 3 hours to spend at Universal....
mousesavers has some really good new deals up now. There are a couple for offsite places and I'm sure that at least one includes a military discount.
we are going Mar 31- Apr 9 and we got the military room rate for all 8 nights. We are staying in the CR Tower and were charged 199.00 a night plus tax. Noone ever said we could only get 6 nights. I pulled out my confirmation and all 8 nights are at 199.00 This was booked thru the Armed Forces Salute.
Are you ready for this?? I started my planning looking for a week at SoG the week before Memorial Day. They were booked at the time (now I know that they are actually closed for renovations/expansion after April 1st, i believe). I asked for an overflow rate at WL, and got $149/night (Woods View). I was pretty impressed, based on the normal rates.

Well, then I started digging into this board, plus a few others, and decided to go offsite. More bang for my buck. I got a week at the Radisson Resort Parkway, military rate, of $64/night. Again, pretty good deal. You have to be careful, though, because sometimes the latest internet rates are nearly as good.

Earlier this week, someone mentioned condo rentals through MWR. I did some research, and I came up with (Armed Forces Vacation Club). They do two things...First, they offer condo and resort units on a Space-A basis. They also have a discount travel club, much like the Entertainment club. The condo rentals are free, the travel club costs something like $40/year. The BEST part about the condo rentals is the PRICE.

From their website:

The Armed Forces Vacation Club (AFVC) is a "Space Available" program that offers Department of Defense affiliated personnel the opportunity to take affordable condominium vacations at resorts around the world for only $234 per unit per week. The AFVC makes this possible by utilizing "excess" inventory at condominium timeshare resorts. "Excess" inventory consists of condominium units that resort owners do not use, which generally means off-season or short-notice travel. If you enjoy off-season activities in popular locations without the hassle of high-season prices, crowds, and lines or if you can travel on 10 days notice or less, the AFVC offers an incredible vacation value.

WOW!! $234 for 7 nights . Practically every property they list is $234. The only exceptions are some of the places in Cancun, because they hit you with an All-Inclusive fee of nearly $1000 or more on top of the $234.

Anyway, I have ditched all of my other reservations to take a 2-bedroom villa for 7 nights at the Hilton Grand Vacation Club at Sea World. ( Unbelievable!! It looks even better than the Vistana Villages. You have to pay the $234 up front on the first call - they create an account for you and take your first reservation. After that, you can do the ressies on the Internet.

I looked around on the web for negative reports about the AFVC, but none could be found (testing the 'too good to be true' mantra). I also checked the reports on the HGVC on this board, and everyone loved it.

If you are eligible (see website for full details), this is an incredible opportunity. I will be writing a lengthy trip report about my entire planning experience and trip experience when I get back.

Thanks to everyone for their great tips!

The hgvc is a lovely resort. Enjoy your stay there.:)
Hey BigJohn! We fell into this INCREDIBLE deal and stayed at the HGVC this past August. It was WONDERFUL!!! It has spoiled me BIG TIME!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I would love to share what I remember. :)
Beth - thanks to this, and other fine boards, I really don't have many questions about the HGVC. It looks awesome...especially the IPIC 360 degree photos available on the website.

How long did it take for you to go to MK from this resort? I'm hearing an average of 20-25 minutes from door to door...not too bad in my book.


Those 360 photos are great aren't they BigJohn? We spent a LOT of time looking at them before our trip and it just made us so excited to go! Just talking about this makes me want to go back there SOOOOO badly! And I don't know if we will ever be able to afford to go there again. :(

ANYWAY, I just asked DH about the time (he did the driving) and he said that the 20-25 minutes sounded about right if the traffic was heavy. If not, he felt as if we made better time. I just know that I do not recall thinking that we spent a LOT of time in the car. AND we actually got to see places outside of WDW!!! Before this summer, we had never stayed off site OR went anywhere off of Disney property. There IS another world out there!

I am so glad that you got such a wonderful deal! You will have a GREAT stay! :)


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