Mickey phone?


Earning My Ears
Jan 31, 2002
Does anyone know of a phone number that I can reach a recording of Mickey? My DD (3) desperately wants to talk to him before our trip. Thanks!
This is very interesting! Mickey sent my kids a postcard right before our last trip (My parents live in Florida). You could have someone "fake it".
Don't know about a call before you go but if you stay onsite be sure to call to get a wake up call form Mickey the first morning.DS jumped out of bed so fast I thought it was someone elses kid. It was day 4 before he would let me answer the phone to hear Mickey. It was a neat extra way to make a onsite vacation specail.

Jordan's mom
Definitely do the Mickey wake up calls if you are staying on site. Answering Mickey's wake up call was one of the highlights of our trip last week for DS age 4.


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