MEN: What do you want for Christmas?


<font color=blue>WISH Biggest Loser/Blue Team<br><
Jun 28, 2001
Cannot think of anything my DH42 would like.

He owns his own business (so electronics are out - he can buy them through his business), loves HOCKEY (has every shirt, t-shirt, stick and signed autograph you can imagine), loves movies (can't think of any that he doesn't have) and loves me!

What would you like?
That's nice of you to ask! I would like a new bike. I'm not talking about a bike from Wal-Mart or Target. I'm talking about a new road bike that costs(gasp!) just above $5000.00. Now, are you gonna' get it for me? :rolleyes1 Seriously, as a suggestion, if he plays golf, I've given green fees gift certificates that worked out pretty well.
I second the question... I have my brothers, husband, father and father in law to buy for still and I have no ideas???????
I need ideas too! It seems like I always buy DVDs for DH, Dad, Grandfather & FIL. All of the other ideas I can come up with are way to expensive. Thanks so much for posting this question. :)
Electronic Big Boy Toy's!

Wireless Router
Wireless Weatherstation
Digital Camera/Camcorder


The movie "Slapshot" This is a must have for a guy who loves hockey!
Anything from Home Depot.
Great suggestions, especially the :smooth: :smooth: with some :cool1: !

Can't buy green fees - we belong to a country club and he can golf there!

He has Slapshot and Miracle.

Can't buy a new digital camcorder this year (not enough green).

However, maybe I can buy him that new SLR lens he wanted to go with our digital camera! Okay, you have my juices flowing.....

Let's keep them coming - Santa does not want to look too cheap! :blush:
How about hockey memorabilia? If he has a favorite hockey player, you could try an autographed card or jersey.
I just bought my DH a Sirius Sportster Satellite Radio...they have lots of stations and special sports I'm going to be stuck having to listen to it, but I know he'll love it. Go to Circuit City online they have it there. Now, still have to figure out what to buy my dad.
Sorry, no ideas for you but I just wanted to say here's another Laura Jeanne on the DIS! (Slightly different spelling though!) :wave2:
Laurajetter - you are welcome on my threads/posts any day!

DH already has XM satalitte radio! He's got everything!

Would it be tacky to have him buy his own gifts and I can wrap them to put under the tree for my DS to view. DS is only 8! Comments please.
Bumping to help get more answers. I am dying here too. I like the greens fee idea and I was thinking about Sirius Radio too (must be my DH doesn't have EVERYTHING yet).
castlegazer said:
Bumping to help get more answers. I am dying here too. I like the greens fee idea and I was thinking about Sirius Radio too (must be my DH doesn't have EVERYTHING yet).

AWESOME! Sirius radio is excellent. I love it and can't imagine ever not having sat radio again.
I'm actually browsing for ideas right now. Its a pretty cool site that helps you find stuff across the web. I was just looking at Sharper Images light saber replicas - sound included. COOL.
As for me, it's a digital camera. I don't have memory cards and a card reader, so that's my list.

For the hockey fan. Since NHL is shut down this year, any thought into purchasing tickets for college hockey or minor league hockey. When I was little, I used to have a hockey table that kind of looks like a foosball(sp) table. You could spin the players to shoot at the goal. Wonder if they still make stuff like that, because it could be fun to play with your husband or your son.
I am getting DH a Segway tour at Epcot for our Feb. trip. Also looking for an airhorn for our motorhome.

:moped: :moped:

Bumping to keep suggestions coming along..............

My man is very hard to buy for.... :rolleyes:
How about a Playstation 2 or X-Box with one or 2 of the hockey games from this season?


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