Men Are From Folders, Women Are From Wadders


<font color=purple>Strangely fascinated by zombies
Jul 25, 2003
Men Are From Folders, Women Are From Wadders — A Kimberly-Clark marketing survey on bathroom habits finds that women are "wadders" and men are "folders." Women also tend to use much more toilet paper than men
monkeyboy said:
Men Are From Folders, Women Are From Wadders — A Kimberly-Clark marketing survey on bathroom habits finds that women are "wadders" and men are "folders." Women also tend to use much more toilet paper than men

This is something that is true in my household. Believe it or not, DH2B and I were discussing this the other day! lol :crazy:
monkeyboy said:
Men Are From Folders, Women Are From Wadders — A Kimberly-Clark marketing survey on bathroom habits finds that women are "wadders" and men are "folders." Women also tend to use much more toilet paper than men
Duh, we can't "shake it" if you know what I mean. :p
Pete's Mom said:
Duh, we can't "shake it" if you know what I mean. :p

You took the words out of my mouth. Of course we use twice as much.
Thanks for the giggle!! Funniest thing I've read all day. Of course, it's true but I just wasn't expecting it from the title of the thread (duh for me!)
:laughing: :laughing:
monkeyboy said:
Men Are From Folders, Women Are From Wadders — A Kimberly-Clark marketing survey on bathroom habits finds that women are "wadders" and men are "folders." Women also tend to use much more toilet paper than men

Are you sure Kimberly-Clark is the source?

This sounds more like a 4 year, $300 Million dollar Government project! :crazy2:


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