Members ages at OKW? SSHHHH, we won't tell!!

Age, and your opinion! Let it out!!

  • Age: 30-40

  • Age: 41-50

  • Age: 50-59

  • Age: 60+

Results are only viewable after voting.


HELP! Disney is going to bankrupt me!!
Mar 21, 2001
In past threads, the slide and pool has alway's been a big issue.
Is age playing a part in the vote?
Let's see?
Does the younger member want a updated OKW, that include a slide, and updated pool?
Does the older member, just want a quite spot?

I feel that OKW needs to update....Pool, slide, food courtyard, etc, etc....
What do you think
PLEASE: Only members at OKW, should we can get an idea of the actual ages at this resort.....THANKS
Oops -- you left out space for the 20 somethings. I think we do have some so maybe they can "write-in".....after all who's afraid to give their age under 30?
Hey, this is my first post ever.....I was hoping to get your help!!! Oh, well....I did ok!!!
OK, ALL of you lucky DVC owners under 30, be proud and write in your age......
I think you did a great job! I always have something wrong/left out every time I post a poll! :(
Could one of you poll making savvy people make a similar poll for BWV and VWL so we have a meaningful comparison of the demographics?

Example, one ethnic group in NYC might make up 20% of the population, but that becomes more impressive if the same group makes up less than 3% of the US population...So does OKW demographics differ from other resorts or not?
By the way, all things equal, OKW should have a slightly older group due to the fact that the DVC members there mostly bought 5-10 years ago. Assuming the average entry age for DVC hasn't changed much, that would skew them a little older.

But also a little wiser! After all, how many of us say "we wish we would have bought sooner"? The OKW folks did (except for resales of course)! :)
By the way, all things equal, OKW should have a slightly older group due to the fact that the DVC members there mostly bought 5-10 years ago.

Granny, Good Point. I've jumped a whole bracket since our original purchase in 1993. I'm sure many others have done the same.
I am surprised we aren't as "old" at OKW as I thought we would be! I am in the second to oldest group, but I was surprised at the number of younger people.

Do I think OKW needs to update? No, I like it just the way it is. We have those other hotel like DVC's for those who want them...I don't.
Originally posted by dianeschlicht
I am surprised we aren't as "old" at OKW as I thought we would be! I am in the second to oldest group, but I was surprised at the number of younger people.
It's early in the poll yet.....most of the members haven't gotten up from their afternoon naps yet (yes,we're talking about the ones in diapers, but not the young ones)! :D

I know, I know....get off the OKW thread, Granny. :rolleyes:

Couldn't resist the jab. :p
Originally posted by dianeschlicht
Do I think OKW needs to update? No, I like it just the way it is. We have those other hotel like DVC's for those who want them...I don't.

I guess I am too young to understand this, but could you explain how changing the main pool would make OKW more "hotel like?" Is there a concern that more families would be staying there and this is a BAD thing?

I do believe all DVC, not just OKW should look to update when possible (DVD players, more interactive pool elements, etc...) If Disney had to rely on renting out OKW to the public, I don't think they would leave the pool as it is. Why would you not want to be the same kind of owner that Disney would be? I don't think that is a bad standard to go by. As new and better entertainment ideas are developed we add them to our main homes. (entertainment centers, remodeled kitchens, etc.) Why should we not embrace new developments at our "home away from home?"
Originally posted by dianeschlicht
Do I think OKW needs to update? No, I like it just the way it is. We have those other hotel like DVC's for those who want them...I don't.

I guess I am too young to understand this, but could you explain how changing the main pool would make OKW more "hotel like?" Is there a concern that more families would be staying there and this is a BAD thing?

I do believe all DVC, not just OKW should look to update when possible (DVD players, more interactive pool elements, etc...) If Disney had to rely on renting out OKW to the public, I don't think they would leave the pool as it is. Why would you not want to be the same kind of owner that Disney would be? I don't think that is a bad standard to go by. As new and better entertainment ideas are developed we add them to our main homes. (entertainment centers, remodeled kitchens, etc.) Why should we not embrace new developments at our "home away from home?"
Originally posted by PKS44
[Why should we not embrace new developments at our "home away from home?"

By the same token, we inspected the OKW pool before we bought, found that it met our wants and needs and the only disappointments have been the frequent (during our visits) closings due to a pool poop.

Which may lead to the question, if you don't like the pool, why did you buy there??:confused:
:jester: :jester: :jester: :D :D :D

If you and your spouse are joint owners, but fit into two different age "categories" which age category do you vote in?:confused:

What about a poll for political affilliation? Do more Democrats want a slide than do Republicans? :p

Or could it be a gender gap? Do the women prefer different pool enhancements than the men?:eek:

How about regional differences? Do more people from California prefer pool slides than the people from New York?:confused:

How about people with kids and people without kids? ;)

Is it a matter of thin people (who think they look really good in swim suits) or not so thin people (who think they don't look so great in swim suits). BTW, does a slide make you look fatter or thinner?:( I think I'll start a poll for that! :D :D

Perhaps it's a class difference. How about a poll to see if there is a correlation between income level and pool preferences?

Do college educated people pool hop more than high school drop outs? Do they go to different pools?

The possibilites are endless. And IMHO, all of the above possibilities have just as much relevance as how old the members happen to be! :smooth:

:jester: :jester: :jester: :D :D :D

PS I didn't vote. I don't own at OKW.
Thank you for not posting this poll in May. I'll be moving into a different age bracket, and I'm not thrilled about it.;)

I've been an OKW member for 10 years. The kids were 10, 9 and 6 when we joined. In all of the visits that our family has made, there's never been one complaint about the pools.

And no, we have never pool-hopped. We've been very happy with what we have at our resort. :)
:jester: :jester: I don't think it's so much about the pool anymore....OKW wants to prove we're not a bunch of crotchety old, no fun, child hating people as we are being portrayed on the boards. ;) ;) We're the same ages as the rest of you and, as Granny has already pointed out, somewhat smarter than the average DVC'ers, since we bought into DVC years ago!!! Even our folks who check the oldest category are young in spirit. :D :D :D
Originally posted by PamOKW
OKW wants to prove we're not a bunch of crotchety old, no fun, child hating people as we are being portrayed on the boards.

Well, you could have fooled me, based on the OKW annual meeting 2 years ago ;).

We had just bought an OKW resale about 6 months earlier (June, 1999). I was 27 and my wife was 24 and we were by far the youngest people at the meeting. I have never seen a group of people that old whine so much.

I'm just glad that they don't actually vote on anything at the annual meetings.

Well, I guess I should vote in the poll, since I just qualified 2 days ago. ;)
I am older, I do not whine, I like the pool the way it is, I purchased very early on and thought the pool great, and still do.
I do not like food courts, please, NO!!!!! This is not a mall, it is a resort. We have kitchens, if you want junk food, cook it.
I am not a child hater, cripes I had three!!!!!
I am a registered Democrat that votes to the issue and the person, not to the party.
I am an Episcopalian. I am white. I am over 50.
I do not think that we are entitled to a discount for passes beyond what we have. I was never promised anything more than what I paid for. I do not have an entitlement mentality.
When I go to the pool I like quiet (other than normal pool noise), I don't want to hear the screams and yells of people sliding, if I did, I would visit a resort with slides an other "fun" stuff.
When I play tennis, right next to the pool, I like the fact that I am NOT distracted by a lot of noise (other than that annoying music that plays over and over<peanutbutter and jellyfish sandwiches has to go!!!!>)
The one thing I would like is to see the Gurgling Suitcase restored to it's original size. That, IMHO, would be a GREAT improvement. It is way too small and since it has been dubbed an "old fogies" resort, that is the least they could do. BTW, I don't drink, but, enjoy being around adults.
I should probably clarify that I do not believe that what I saw at the annual meeting is a good representation of the actual demographics or feelings of the OKW membership, which is why I said:

"I'm just glad that they don't actually vote on anything at the annual meetings."

(Although the people there seemed to believe that they represented the membership. There were comments that said things to the effect of "I don't care what your survey says people want, we have been DVC members since the very beginning and this is what WE want.")
Perhaps if the general membership were allowed to vote on something, this issue and others like it would be a moot point, with the majority winning instead of whining.

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