May the Porg Be With You! A 13 day November adventure! *COMPLETED 2/23!*

This is one of my favorite pictures, and kind of sparked "Porg-ing". Pretty simple, basically you make the same face the Porg is making and the results are hilarious.

OMG I love this! HAHAHA!! And yes, agree- get that "Home" feeling in the lobby, amazing! Glad you had an awesome time at Sanna, its one of my favs!
Such nice photos! I'm glad it was a good meal at Sanaa!

Thank you! Omg the meal was just incredible. Wish I could have it right now.

I love this!

Thanks! That bird was so funny!

That porg is so homely he's cute!

Agreed! Maybe that's what drew me to him in the first place?!

OMG I love this! HAHAHA!! And yes, agree- get that "Home" feeling in the lobby, amazing! Glad you had an awesome time at Sanna, its one of my favs!

I think the Porg face will be sweeping the World soon... hahah!

Nothing compares to AKL... or Sanaa!
Day 5 - November 4th - Magic Kingdom

After an easy bus ride, we were finally at the Magic Kingdom! For a little refresher, this was Shelby's first time at Disney World, and Allie hadn't been since 2008, so of course Magic Kingdom had to be the first park we visited.

Even though I KNEW Christmas decorations would be up it was still a shock for me. Kinda cool to see Halloween decorations and a couple days later Christmas decorations.



We rounded the corner and the castle came into view! Nobody made much fuss over it though. Anticlimactic.

Confession: I think I like the Halloween decorations better. But Hollywood Studios Christmas decorations trump all.

We were cutting it kind of close to our first FP ending at 4:35 so we pretty much walked directly to Space Mountain. I seem to always book this ride first.

I had Shelby take the front seat since this was her first time on the ride. She LOVED it. The ride photo is in such an awkward place, but I was prepared with the Porg!


When you're in Tomorrowland with some time to kill before your next FP the only logical thing to do is ride the PeopleMover.

For some reason they seated the five of us in one car. NEVER AGAIN. The whole point of the PeopleMover is to stretch out and relax. 3 bums just do not fit in the seat.

My dad takes excellent photos.

Much better luck with a selfie.



When the ride ended it was actually a relief. And it was time for our next FP at Seven Dwarfs Mine Train!

The pick-ax and shovel forming the hands of the clock are too precious.


Just me, my Porg, and a VIP guide.


I think they liked it!

After Mine Train we explored New Fantasyland. This was all new to Allie since her last visit.


On Allie's wish list for Disney World was to take a picture in Gaston's chair. Unfortunately, I don't think she liked any of the pictures taken (it's really bad lighting in there!) so you'll have to settle for this picture of my brother.

This is the cutest popcorn cart! Really seems like something Maurice would invent, right?

Since we were now by the Little Mermaid (or whatever long name this ride has) and supposedly this is Aaron's favorite ride, we hopped in line. This ride wasn't new to anyone since it's also at Disneyland, but the queue is nicer here at least! The line was longer than I'd normally choose to wait (it wrapped around a room I'd never even been in), but we didn't have anything else to do.


Shelby tried to climb through a hole in the queue wall, but chickened out, convinced she wouldn't fit. She totally would have fit! I internally got a little squirmy because I'm a rule follower and I know you're not supposed to climb on the rocks. :rotfl:


I found the Nautilus in the queue and pointed it out to everyone, and told them why it was there. It's really interesting trivia! But after that Aaron would randomly point at stuff and be like "oh look there's a Nautilus!" Brothers.

Up Next: Nighttime in the Kingdom, and Shelby gets a new name!
Love, love, love!!!! We were in the MK that day as well. I’ll be posting mine tomorrow. I believe this was the evening I ran around like a maniac after the Pluto Christmas popcorn bucket popcorn::
Love, love, love!!!! We were in the MK that day as well. I’ll be posting mine tomorrow. I believe this was the evening I ran around like a maniac after the Pluto Christmas popcorn bucket popcorn::

Haha really?? I feel like they were readily available everywhere I turned! Hope you find one in the end, it was super cute; I don't collect popcorn buckets but I was tempted by that one!
Haha really?? I feel like they were readily available everywhere I turned! Hope you find one in the end, it was super cute; I don't collect popcorn buckets but I was tempted by that one!
We found one! It took a while but that was the first day they were available. Most cast members were not aware of them on this date.
Day 5 - November 4th - Magic Kingdom, part 2

After going unda da sea everyone was starting to get tired so we agreed to head to the front of the park and get Starbucks, like the basic folks we are.

Along the way we ran across the wishing well and another of Allie's must-dos was to make a wish there. She wouldn't tell me what she wished for, WEIRD.



I was just noticing that we have a severe lack of PP pictures from Magic Kingdom and this picture reminded me why. The stupid cranes and camera riggings and ugly stage make pictures of the castle unappealing.

The line was pretty long at Starbucks (shocker!) but we were not to be deterred! I ordered my usual, a vanilla iced latte.

The Porg was feeling a little wiped too, so I kindly shared.

And then the best thing ever happened. Shelby got her drink, and the barista accidentally put the 'b' before the 'l' and then gave up altogether, so her cup said Shebl. We all thought this was hilarious and for the rest of the trip that's all we called her (pronounced She-bull). Even if she wasn't around we'd refer to her as Shebl. She actually changed her Instagram name too! So from this point forward I'll be referring to her by her proper name. Oh, and they spelled Aaron's name Erin. Long live Erin and Shebl!

Properly caffeinated we marched on to our final FP of the night, Big Thunder Mountain. I wish this ride had photos.

After the wildest ride in the wilderness we walked through Adventureland. I think we had it in mind to possibly ride Pirates, but the line was too long and I was starting to get antsy about getting a place for the fireworks. We decided to go in the Tiki Room, much to Allie's dismay. I love the song, so I don't know what she's talking about! :confused3 In the tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki room, all the birds sing words and the flowers crooooon!

Aaron wanted to go through the Swiss Family Treehouse while we were in the area, but I wanted to check out the crowd situation for the fireworks. So while they explored the treehouse I went to the hub to scope out a spot. The hub grass in front of Casey's had some openings, but the sidewalk in front of that actually looked like it would have better views so that's where I set up camp.

Everyone eventually joined me, and Shebl and Aaron went to get some Casey's which took FOREVER. Luckily Allie and I have years of concert experience so we're really good at spreading out and saving spots. Here's Aaron and Shebl after their food, waiting for the fireworks to begin.

It was my first time seeing Happily Ever After so I took A LOT of pictures, I'll go ahead and photo dump in the next post.
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Day 5 - November 4th - Magic Kingdom, part 3

This update will be pretty short on words, and heavy on the pictures. I know everyone loved Wishes and got super emotional over it, but I don't know, it never really spoke to me. Disneyland Forever, however, really got to me, so I was hoping Happily Ever After could do the same. Without further ado...








If I go there's just no telling how far I'll go!




Hey, Simba!





This villains section was great, and I loved the Lion King part. The song they used from The Lion King, "...To Die For" fit perfectly but it also always makes me cry... poor little Simba.


Remember who you are





Hang on, just a few more.





The smoke was kind of blowing toward us so my pictures weren't as clear as the HalloWishes.
So the verdict? I LOVED it! The projections were stunning, the fireworks were great, and a lot of my favorite movies were featured. Plus I liked seeing some more overlooked movies getting some love, like Mulan. There was also a lot of Lion King so you know I was thrilled! I could have done without the Hunchback section, it's just not my cup of tea, but at least the fireworks were pretty. Oh, and I wish the songs would have been the movie songs, I wasn't a fan of the weird covers like for "Love is an Open Door", though I did love that they chose a song that wasn't "Let It Go".

Also, I just watched Happily Ever After on YouTube to jog my memory on the music and whatnot. Stupid thing made me cry. So there's that.

To be continued... the end of the night.
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Day 5 - November 4th - Magic Kingdom, part 4

At some point while waiting for Happily Ever After I had made us a FP for Haunted Mansion at 8:30. The fireworks probably ended around 9:22, so we booked it to HM. And by booked it, I mean we walked slowly because you know how crowds are after the fireworks.

I never used the Tangled bathrooms this trip. How is that even possible? But I did at least get a few pictures of them. Sad I never noticed the PP with the lantern, but the wait probably would have been too long anyway.


Aaron lamented the fact that we had to miss the standby queue of HM, but the rest of us were glad to bypass a long wait. Haunted Mansion was great, as always, and we headed back out of the park afterward. As we walked by the castle more fireworks went off and startled us. I didn't realize Once Upon a Dream was starting!


Bye Magic Kingdom!

The bus to AKL came quickly and soon enough we were back home. This crazy flower had started blooming outside the lodge!

Allie and I were hungry so we split the falafel platter from The Mara. It was really good! The falafel was maybe a little dry, but it seems like falafel mostly is.

We had a little bit of an issue finding bed linens for the couch and pull-out chair. For some reason they weren't in the room so we had to wait for housekeeping and then make the beds ourselves. I also ordered mattress pads for the beds. Basically they sent an egg crate for the couch, but the chair got a whole (thin) mattress to put on top so Dad was pretty satisfied with his bed. The couch pull-out was ok, but you could definitely feel the bars, and it squeaked every time we moved. Luckily after a day at Disney I'm generally so tired I could sleep on a rock.

To be continued -- Animal Kingdom!
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What a great evening at MK! It must be so cool to be in Disney for both Halloween and Christmas time! You got so many awesome pics!

I'm glad you liked HEA, it's such a good show!
Those photos are amazing!! Im so excited to see HEA up close next trip (saw from poly beach this past trip)!!!
I’m so happy I followed you here from another TR! It looks like you had a great trip, and you’re making me so excited to go! 12 days.

I’m also staying in POFQ, and I’ve never seen the park at Christmas, so thanks for the preview. Can’t wait to read more.
I found your report and really enjoying it. Love the Porgy pictures, I saw them when we were there all over and I had no idea they are in the new movie, lol! Great MK day and evening. We loved FQ this last stay, your AK Villa looks really nice too!
What a great evening at MK! It must be so cool to be in Disney for both Halloween and Christmas time! You got so many awesome pics!

I'm glad you liked HEA, it's such a good show!

It was a great evening, and I loved being able to see both decorations. Thank you!!

HEA was really great, and I'm excited to see it again soon!

Amazing pictures! They gave me goosebumps all over again!

Aww thank you! I was really pleasantly surprised by my camera since I'm no photographer!

Those photos are amazing!! Im so excited to see HEA up close next trip (saw from poly beach this past trip)!!!

Thank you! You're in for a treat, the projections are just incredible.

I’m so happy I followed you here from another TR! It looks like you had a great trip, and you’re making me so excited to go! 12 days.

I’m also staying in POFQ, and I’ve never seen the park at Christmas, so thanks for the preview. Can’t wait to read more.

I'm glad you found your way here too! 12 days is so soon, I hope you have a fantastic time. Let me know if you write a TR!

POFQ is fabulous and I just saw pictures of it at Christmastime and it's even more special. Just wait until you see DHS's Christmas decorations - they really put me in the Christmas spirit.

I found your report and really enjoying it. Love the Porgy pictures, I saw them when we were there all over and I had no idea they are in the new movie, lol! Great MK day and evening. We loved FQ this last stay, your AK Villa looks really nice too!

Welcome! I've read and enjoyed some of your TRs in the past, and looking forward to your current one!

There'll be MANY more Porg pictures to come, just you wait! POFQ is so lovely, I would happily stay there again. And of course, I'd stay at AKL again too!
...I was really pleasantly surprised by my camera since I'm no photographer!...

I said it a couple pages ago and I'll say it again, your pictures are amazing! The colors just pop...It says something when the pics you are taking are clearer than the PhotoPass pics (Mine Train for example)
Loving your report - great pictures. YOu crack me up with your Porg pics :).

Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying the Porg pics, they amused us too!

I said it a couple pages ago and I'll say it again, your pictures are amazing! The colors just pop...It says something when the pics you are taking are clearer than the PhotoPass pics (Mine Train for example)

:goodvibes Too nice! I'm glad you're enjoying them


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