May blitz trip with the gang day five part two-finally! Sorry about the long delay!


Jan 26, 2001
Ok, here we go. First off, I have to apologize for the long delay. I have been tied up at work, with life, etc. Things happen, and I felt that since the disboards helped me so much, the least I could do is finish our trip report. A lot has happened since I posted last June. I did get married, and our new home was built. My son is now in 1st grade and doing well. Now here is the big disney news. I won a trip for four to the disneyland resort, so I have been planning that this year. I entered at the tangier mall disney catalog outlet store, and they had a national drawing, and I won. That was last August. I have been busy, really, I was also going to community college full time, and I finished in december, finally! And I got my A's.
A lot of you have been very supportive, and I wanted to take a moment and thank you for that. If you want to go back and see where my trip reports are, they're around the middle of June in the may blitz with the gang.
So the gang consists of: me, dad, 37, df, fiance's first vacation ever, ds, Christopher, age 6, fourth trip to wdw, and db, my best man, David, 47 who lives in Tampa.
So after our wonderful lunch, we are headed out into the worldcase pavillion. It's starting to warm up and we go over the bridge to italy. I had read about the entertainment here after awhile, and sure enough, we're walking up and the costumed fools are walking around. You can hear the disco-tek music a good 100 ft. away. We go into the courtyard, and there are two costumed fools who appear to be playing synthsizers. I will hearafter refer to costumed fools as cf. They have fans in front of them, because they are mostly dressed in black. They kind of just stood there, looking at each other, making brief movements, wouldn't you, all dressed up in makeup, completely covered in black in may? A few more cf come out, dancing around, some duo were like the king and queen and we took our pix with them.
I got tired of their little "dance and music of fools" and stopped in the store so ds could get his stamp. We left the area to go to germany, which had no fools there. They had a fraulein at the picnic table to help ds with his passport book. I went to the gift shop and bought some cars and sent them off the package pick-up. Then into the candy store for-you guessed it! Candy! We did stop off briefly at a child's play area with a playscape so Christophe could burn off some energy. We got some bug stickers.
Then onto the american pavilion, we went into the gift shop to get ds book stamped, then into the rotunda for some shade,and to sit, the cm's did their singing thing, and then into the auditorium for the american experience, which I highly recommend, though ds did allright.
We got out and I saw the beverage cart, and scooted over and spent twelve bucks. I saw that mickey thomas of starship was going to be having a concert there-I saw him with starship in austin back in '84-so he's still around! I couldn't pass up the pin cart, so I got some. Walking over to Japan, I saw the tall building(forget the name of it), and df took ds over to get his passport stamped. DB and stood there with our shades on and watched the beating twin girls. Not exactly a rock concert, but hey, they were getting a work out!
So onto morrocco, and looking around, maybe we can find genie-but no! We went into the shop, some lady scolded us, because we went the wrong way in for the character greeting, which was-jasmine! She sat w/Christopher, and the pictures were made. He scouted out the stuff, but we urged him on, to the next pavilion, france.
We headed over, and I noted the chefs de france restaurant, well maybe one day I'll eat there and see how their food is and critique it. The statues were doing their thing, just kind of standing and moving suddenly. We headed into the alley, right to the pattisiere. I saw the movie theather and found out it was playing in 15 minutes, so we headed into the bakery for dessert. We got three different kinds, and then sat in the gift shop to eat it, which doesn't have to much wdw merchandise, mostly kitschky french stuff(if you like that kind of thing-posters, books, post cards, sculptures). We went into the theather and saw the show-which was nice sitting down as opposed to circlevision 360 where you have to stand.
So out of france and saw the little french band doing their thing. Walked over the bridge, took some pic's, walked over to the international gateway, just to see what they had, and saw in the middle of the lagoon the set-up for illuminations. So then we went into the UK-and into the middle of the street are some kind of morons doing something, I don't remember, but we go around the corner, and we see-Mary Poppins, all decked out in white. She has a little line, and Christopher goes up, and she moves over, away from the dancing morons. She notices his pooh hat, his name tag with his name on it, with pooh bear. Very nice pix, and I hear she is a character hard to get.
We then are off to the last pavilion, and my favorite, Canada. We walk into the area, and are almost at the steps, when I notice a stage. I walk back over and see it's the stage for oft kilter. I had seen some pix, and sure enough, two are on stage, one is talking to a dad holding his baby. Why do they have to wear army boots, or goth boots? Do they wear those in Canada with their skirts? Yes, I had my laugh, they were done playing their gig. So we went up the steps right into the trading lodge. I got a shirt, and a pin, though I am beating myself up for missing out on the hockey jersey, though it was a pretty penny! How often do you see a canadian hockey shirt in austin, tx? Everynow and then I see and ice bat one, though. I got ds a canadian bear, then we took some pix. We then went into the waiting area for the movie, which I loved, though looking at my video, I don't know why I taped it. I do love the song, O Canada, and the scene where you're going along a river and see a blue house right there on the water. How about that sled ride down the hill?
Well, finally into future world case, and to the land. We get a fast pass, and go see kitchen cabaret, which had maybe 20 other people watching it. It still looks very dated, but ds loves it. We go to the boat ride and are walking into the fast pass line, which is 30min long, and looking at the poor slobs waiting in the standby line. I really felt bad for them, some of them looked like they wanted to kill me. We did get on, and enjoyed the peaceful ride. I thought the ways of growing the plants and veges was cool, how about those squashes?
Out of the land and over to the living seas. It was getting to be around early evening now, and the sun was almost setting, so not too warm now. We stopped for a moment and watched the splash at the entrance. We walked in and skipped the movie, and took the elevator down, into the loading area. It loaded into the cars very quickly, and the short ride is very nice, going through a glass tunnel and seeing all the sea life.
We hung out for about 15 minutes, saw the manatees, and then back up the elevator and out into the daylight. We then went onto spaceship earth, and ds kinda did ok, he sat with me. I just love walking into this thing and loading into the cars.
After getting off, we decide to pick up our packages, and I go out and get them, you have to go out the gate. I got back in, and then we kinda just looked around a bit. We just ran out of time and couldn't go see the ellen ride and dinosaurs. It got dark rather quickly, and the crowds were allready in place for illuminations, so we just did some looking and shopping.
We did go into innoventions for about 20-30 min, but not much there to report. Ds was running around, though, burning off that energy! Illumination started, and he was a bit scared from all of the fire and fireworks, there were a ton of people there, I still can't believe there's always so many people who watch it everynight. To avoid the throng leaving, we hit the giftshops once more-can't have too many epcot t-shirts, and then out to the trusy volvo.
DB took us back to the hyatt for a night of well deserved rest. As usual, we hit the potato chip and sodas for dinner-hey, it's our vacation for crying out loud, we can eat what we want!
With my ingenious planning, it looks like tomorrow is our first trip to a wdw water park. Weather looks good-sunny-and we have our waterproof camera-from wal-mart!
So next report-I thought you had it, No I thought you had it!
A great day for all. Sounds like a fun time. Thanks for posting!


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