May 20 Chicago DisneyQuest meet


DIS Veteran
Feb 22, 2000
CKupres and I are still trying to get handle on who needs tickets to the May 20 meet. I ask that you respond to this post only if you need tickets.

I'll start - I need four adult tickets - one for my niece, her two friends and one for a friend of mine.

Cathi, Emily & Jim - three
Pat - one
Ralph - two
Mr. Shiny - two (one adult, one child)
Mary (FLITTER) - one

As a reminder the meet will be on the 5th floor beginning at 11:00am.


Cyn, will there be a discount for a group rate? I received a coupon from the Disney Club for entrance to Disney Quest Chicago for 25% off the price (up to six people). Wondering if that will be the cheapest way to go.:jester:
Giving this a little bump for you. Wish that I could be there with my close pin buddies!

We don't want to miss anyone-
please let us know if you need tickets!
Okay I was just checking it out and found out that there is a $10 pass that doesn't give you as much play. The way I figure it if we are chatting and trading pins we will not be playing much anyway. So I was thinking that just maybe I would go and just come to the meet, not try to play. It is way to expensive to take the whole family and not even play. Here is my dilema. It is really far to drive and pay to get in and pay to park in a lot or hope to find a meter spot and have to keep running out to it. SOOOOOO, I was wondering if any of you that are going would mind a stow away in your car. If you think it may work email me and I will see if it is possible. If not, no biggie. Just thought that I would throw the idea out there.
Count me in!!! Make sure you spell my name right on that button..........That is FLITTER with a capitol FLIT!
Yes, there is a $10 pass that includes enough points for about four attractions. I have used it myself for a quick DQ trip with my daughter when we venture downtown.

SSHD, I am not coming from your neck of the woods so unfortunately I cannot offer you a ride. I will try to help find someone who is planning on attending that would be willing to give you a ride. Or else maybe you could take the Metra train and we could arrange to pick you up at the train station. Just a thought... what do you think? Send me an e-mail!

I really would like to see you at the meet!
Hello SSHD,

Just where would your neck of the woods be? Might be able to offer a ride but I don't know where you're from soooooo how about at least a city or else email me at I'm in the northwest suburban near Randhurst kind-a-sorta-area, but if you are not too far--like milwaukee I can pick you up. plmk


dawn g
:earseek: :earseek: :earseek:
Me too, we are coming from Indiana, will I pass by your area? If so we can pick you up. We have a full van but always have room for one more.

Hope to see you there.
Thanks for the offers to let me tag along. Now that I know that it is a possibility for me to go I am going to check with my husband to see if he will be home from work or not. I need him home to watch my daughters. I always bring the 3 of them with to the meets but this one would be a little too much for all of us. We are saving DQ until they are a bit taller. So as soon as I hear from him I will find a ride. You guys are great. By the way, I live in Round Lake Beach. I don't mind driving to wherever you are I just don't want to pay to park downtown. I would be willing to split it with my driver though. (Afterall a penny saved is a penny you have toward buying another pin. LOL)
Stacey, just to let you know I can drive you also. Would not mind in the least. :D

If the group discount is better than the 20% DC coupon, I would want that. Even if it is a bit more, that is fine too, so as to give you the numbers you need for all to get a discount. :D

Still making sure everyone who needs tickets has requested them. You can get either the unlimited ticket or the limited point pass.

Please let us know-
Hi, I am planning on attending too. I exchanged e-mails with Cyn a while ago asking for to be put down for 1 ticket. I am going to be gone for a week, could somebody either e-mail me or P.M. with the final plan? I should be back late Saturday the 19th. Thanks Pat


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