May 16th Pin Cruise Pin Information

Oct 25, 2001
I have been told for those of you going on the May 16th Disney Wonder Pin Cruise you should have no worries about a free for all for pins. Disney Special events will be using the RSP system for LE pins. This is being consided a pin event and will be run in a similar was as event at WDW. I should have more details on the in the next few weeks. So sit back relax and think of all the fun you will have on this 1st Disney Pin Trading Cruise.
I am relieved! Last year on the cruise we were such a small group (less than 50, I think) that we just went to the gift shop and bought our pins. With this year's DCL pin voyage, I was so worried that it would be a "free for all". It's great to hear that they will have some control over the pin masses when it comes to purchasing those really low LEs!!

Thanx for the update Larry! I can't wait until the pin cruise!

Thanks, I can just see us running around the decks with wristbands trying to find the right line. Last year we couldn't even find the sail away party as they moved it indoors because of the rain. We are looking forward to a great cruise.
Thanks for the info. My DH will be happy because he won't have to sleep out in the hall by the gift shop to make sure we get the pins. :)


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