Margaritaville opinions, please


<font color=red>WISH success story<br><font color=
Jun 1, 2000
My husband and I want to enjoy a Valentine's meal at Margaritaville. Do they accept reservations (or PS?) We'll be there for dinner, hopefully!

I'd love to hear about your Margaritaville dining experience - good or bad. How was the food? Was the service good? Did you have to wait forever for a table? Which margarita (on the rocks) is THE BEST? :D

Has anyone tried the vegetarian burger? How was it?

It looks like a fun restaurant. We're not really interested in a romantic place or a gourmet meal, so it doesn't matter to us if it's noisy and the best thing on the menu is a cheeseburger. (Hmm, what is the best thing on the menu?)

I think the best margarita there is the MANGO margarita, mmmmm. I've had the veggie burger several times. It's good, pretty typical. Dh had the burger in paradise, it was average.

The nachos are HUGE and easily feed 2 people.

We've always had very good service. The longest wait we had was at 8:30pm but showed them our hotel key and it was only a 15 min wait.
I've always had good service. My favorite meal is the coconut shrimp. And IMO the Margaritas are horrible, try NBA's! The atmosphere is very fun, and i have never made ressies but on VD you probably should!
Oh & the burgers,I expected a giant beautiful burger, it was typical but most of our meals have been very good.
I've eaten here both times I've been to the park - once for dinner when it was very crowded (they didn't take PS then, not sure about now) and sat upstairs. Trip last year for lunch , slow, and we sat downstairs by the volcano. Food was very good, and I much preferred being downstairs. I'm a big JB fan, so just watching all the old concert footage on the monitors and singing the fins and volcano songs did it for me - DH and DS were hiding under the table, though!(jk) - :smooth:
My fiance and I absolutely love Margaritaville. Such a laid back fun place to eat. I'm the typical tourist - left with a Jimmy Buffet CD and two cool glasses to remind us of our fun! We have eaten there several times - unsure of reservations always use our Hard Rock room keys for priority seating. Fiance loves the Frozen Blue Margaritas. Had to laugh that after two of these he was ready to go back to the hotel for a nap. Loved the volcano blast! Have a great time - I know we'll be there when we visit in May!
Thanks so much for the replies! :)

I will give them a call on Monday to see if I can make reservations (or priority seating, whatever they call it at Universal!)

Coconut shrimp and a mango margarita sound really good right now. Maybe I'll skip the veggie burger and split the coconut shrimp and nachos with DH (if the nachos are meat free!)

Thanks again! I appreciate the information!!!!!!
We ate there in July with 3 vegetarians and they all loved the veggie burger. We loved the food and the atmosphere is great. I had the "cheeseburger in paradise", the total for the 7 of us (all adults) was $100 including tip for food, beverage, dessert. We made a ressie about 2 weeks before going and we were seated right away.
Have not been to the one in Orlando, but have been to the one in Key West. In fact, I was there when we started bombing Afghanistan...very surreal having Jimmy Buffet in the background as the waiter tells you you're at war! Anyway, I opted for the chicken sandwich and everyone else got the Cheeseburger in Paradise. Let's just say next time I would go with the favorite! The chicken sandwich was nothing to write home about and the burgers looked great.


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