mardi gras USF


Jan 16, 2001
I was pleased to see USF doesnt fall into the guidelines of regular Mardi gra calendar. anyone know WHY they extend it beyond the actual date?
I noticed that the park only stays open till 6pm the evening I may go, anyone know when the parades are? ( so reservations at a restaurant do not interfere).
I also gather this is not like Halloween nights where you have to come back at night & buy a seperate ticket. soooooo I had figured that a thursday( at first) was better for this, but now wonder if friday would not be better, (less crowded due to early entry on thursday),, any helpful comments
The parade begins at the park's closing time. The band usually takes the stage about an hour after closing. Look at your park map for more information.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards


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